"Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-18, 39-95-82, 39-95-88
Email: neutralturkmenistan-gazeti@online.tm


Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

Bagabagt Sanatorium: Meeting International Standards

Wholesome recreation is essential to good health. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attaches particular significance to creating the conditions conducive to recreation and health improvement in our country. The main principle “The state is for the people!” is reflected in the specific projects, including the construction of healthcare facilities in all parts of the country. Our correspondent visited the Bagabat sanatorium to see how the Turkmen people recreate and improve their health there. The Bagabat sanatorium is located at the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains, not far from Ashgabat, in the Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. Since ancient times, local people have known legends about the life-giving air of this place. The studies conducted by Turkmen scientists have confirmed the beneficial effects of clean mountain air and walking in sunny weather on the physical health and wellbeing of people, their mood and state of mind. The choice of the place for the health resort in an ecologically clean and picturesque corner of nature is optimal. The sanatorium was built on the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The Turkmen leader attended its opening ceremony last November. The sanatorium has departments for balneotherapy, water and mud therapy, consultations and diagnostics, physiotherapy and spa. Given that the sanatorium is located at the foothills of the Kopetd

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Integrated organization of summer holidays is a subject of the session of Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases

Offsite session of Emergency Commission for combating the spread of diseases has been held with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Avaza National tourist zone. At the session, Chairman of the State Migration Service B. Ovezov has reported on measures for improvement of activity of the Service taking into account the pandemics, implementation of advanced practice in this sphere and efficient use of digital technologies.

International burns centre: Advanced Methods and Innovative Technologies

In our country, the protection of the health of the people is one of the crucial objectives of the state policy implemented by esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Through the efforts of the national leader, the national health care system has received well-deserved international recognition. The network of modern high-tech clinics, whose specialists use advanced methods and innovative technologies to treat patients and restore their health, is expanding in Turkmenistan with every passing year. These include the International Burns Centre. The five-storey International Burns Centre is fitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment. When the Centre was being built, its specialists made a number of study tours to Germany, Turkey, Israel and Austria. The specialists of the Centre studied the best international practices and methods of managing burn injuries, and today they use them successfully in everyday practice.

Bizzare medlar

In the last month of autumn, a colleague gave me an unusual fruit called Mespilus germanica, or yemshen. I knew about the tree from literature, but I have never seen it in nature. In appearance, the fruit looks like an undeveloped pomegranate, a large-fruited rosehip or a wild apple (arnap), it tastes tart, astringent like quince or unripe persimmon, but after it stays frozen for several days, it tastes as sweet as aromatic applesauce with fresh acidity and quince aftertaste. According to botanists, in the past years the medlar grew wild in several small bushes in the South-Western Kopetdag, in the Gyuen gorge near the Chendir River in Magtymguly etrap and was one of the very rare plants. Over the past 20 years, there have been several futile attempts to find it in these places. Scientists had to admit that the species fell out of the flora of Turkmenistan. The species was studied little. It was not included in any of the three editions of the national Red Data Book, and the experiment of the cultivation of it at the Botanical Gardens was not crowned with success. Then the scientists tried to cultivate the plant with limited planting material: to accelerate the fructification of trees and preserve their varietal characteristics. In 2016, they grafted the buds taken from the Botanical Garden on the rootstock – hawthorn and pear tree cuttings. By the way, medlar is a close

Healthy Lifestyle Is a Way to Longevity

Healthy lifestyle is a complex of measures aimed at improving health and preventing pathological processes in the body. It makes it possible to significantly increase life expectancy and to improve its quality, significantly influencing immunity. The foundations of a healthy lifestyle are proper nutrition, physical activity, absence of bad habits, hygienic care, health promoting procedures, full sleep and rest. Proper nutrition excludes aromatisers, flavour enhancers, fatty food, colouring and preserving agents. The basic rules of nutrition are the following:

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

About the regional nutrition capacity development And partnership platform

In the Era of Might and Happiness, in the year passing under the motto “Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust”, a great work is carried out under the leadership of our Hero-Arkadag to protect the health of the people, the most valuable asset of our state. On December 10, 2020, the 3rd meeting of the Central Asia and Caucasus Regional Nutrition Capacity Development and Partnership Platform was held to address food-related issues.

In accordance with the procedure for the organisation of vacations in the Avaza national tourism zone

1. After undergoing appropriate medical examination, citizens are required to obtain a health certificate for travel. At the time of a medical examination, COVID-19 should be tested within 72 hours upon departure and return. Citizens over 18 years of age, after receiving a voucher, should be vaccinated against COVID-19 10 days before departure in specially designated places (health houses). 2. In order to receive sanatorium treatment at the Avaza sanatorium, citizens of Turkmenistan are required to have a passport of a citizen of Turkmenistan that certifies the identity of a person, a sanatorium voucher issued by a health centre in the place of residence of a citizen, approved by the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, a COVID-19 vaccination certificate and a certificate of passing the test for COVID-19 upon departure and return right up to receiving special instructions.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

• Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

• Always keep your hands clean by washing them thoroughly with soap and water before and after eating, after using the toilet, or returning home.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

The Health doctri­ne of our Na­tio­nal Lea­der — the so­urce of pros­pe­rous and healt­hy li­fe

Now it has become the usual ha­bit for me: on rest-da­ys or af­ter work whi­le having tea my hand stretches to the books­helf. It is very in­te­res­ting and plea­sant for me to read books writ­ten by our Na­tio­nal Leader on dif­fe­rent the­mes. Fol­lo­wing my usual ha­bit I be­gan rea­ding the bo­ok «The Doctri­ne of Ar­ka­dag is the So­urce of Health and Ins­pi­ra­tion» and af­ter it I decided to wri­te about the sig­ni­ficance of the healt­hy li­fe cour­se of our count­ry which became the pri­ma­ry trend of the sta­te po­licy in our count­ry. Of cour­se, in the year «Turk­me­nis­tan – the Ho­me of Peace and Trust» when such sacred no­tions as health, ins­pi­ra­tion are en­riched with glo­rious and his­to­ric events it is not by chance that I decided to wri­te about the health po­licy of our He­ro Ar­ka­dag. Because the healt­hy mo­de of li­fe can be se­en on the per­so­nal examp­le of our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent who go­es in for dif­fe­rent kinds of sports and his po­licy is di­rected at brin­ging up healt­hy young ge­ne­ra­tion. The fun­da­men­tal works car­ried out by our es­tee­med Pre­si­dent, his great chan­ges in or­der to bring up young ge­ne­ra­tion who are the fu­tu­re of our Fat­her­land as educated, pat­rio­tic per­so­na­li­ties who have per­fect mo­ral fea­tu­res are invaluab­le wealth. First of all, the care for the health our peop­le, inclu­ding youth is one of

Diagnostics and treatment of mediastinal tumors

Due to the morphological diversity of mediastinal tumors, their clinical course and treatment results differ from each other. Due to the variety of morphological structures of mediastinal tumors, the clinical parameters of disease are different and have their own peculiarities of the course [4, 5].

Organ-preserving operations for placenta previa and placenta accreta

Despite the development of science in general, and in particular the development of obstetrics, at present, maternal mortality remains one of the primary problems in different countries [1, 2]. In our country and abroad, numerous scientific works are devoted to the problem of maternal mortality, the main focus of which is the study of causes, prevention and conducting quality treatment, which allows to avoid irreversible consequences of obstetric bleeding. For a long time, there was a provision on the need for a planned hysterectomy for placenta previa and placenta accreta in order to avoid massive bleeding [3, 5]. According to the literature and on the recommendations of foreign authors, in case of pathology of the placenta, methods of organ-preserving operations are used [4]. The aim of the work is to analyze the results of managing patients with placenta previa and true placenta accreta.

Changes in portal hemodynamics in patients with liver cirrhosis

Latent course of many chronic diffuse liver diseases and, as a result, their delayed diagnosis underlie the frequent formation of liver cirrhosis (LC) [7, 9]. The cause of death of patients with LC is mainly complications of portal hypertension (PH), among which bleeding from esophageal varicose veins dilatation (EVVD) is 40%, hepatic encephalopathy 30%, infectious (pneumonia, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, urinary infections) complications 30%. Changes in intrahepatic hemodynamics play one of the key roles in the pathogenesis of hepatic diseases. Doppler ultrasound of vessels of the portal system is considered an affordable, informative and non-invasive method in the early diagnosis of liver diseases [8].

Modern aspects of myopia diagnosis in children

Myopia is distinguished by a variety of clinical forms, complexity of pathogenesis, which includes biomechanical, vascular and metabolic factors, difficulty of early diagnosis and treatment, severity of prognosis and the high medical and social significance of disease [1-3]. The use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for the first time makes it possible for a high-precision objective qualitative and quantitative assessment of reticular and vascular tunic of eye, which opens up wide opportunities in graft morphometric study of various segments of the fundus of eye in myopia [4]. The aim of the work is to identify morphometric diagnostic signs of myopia progression by means of optical coherence tomography of the fundus of eye in children.

The effect of ecological crisis of the Aral sea on the health state of the population

Ecological crisis of the Aral Sea affects 60 million population of Central Asia and an area of about 25 million hectares [2, 10]. The Aral Sea is a saltwater lake or inland sea in Central Asia. Overconsumption of water for irrigating agricultural land has turned the fourth largest sea-lake in the world, previously rich in life, into a barren desert [6]. Shrinking Aral Sea is one of the most powerful sources of natural aerosols entering the atmosphere [2].