"Neutral Turkmenistan" newspaper

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-18, 39-95-82, 39-95-88
Email: neutralturkmenistan-gazeti@online.tm


Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.

Immunity Protecting Health

We all know that the human immune system is primarily responsible for protecting from various unfavourable environmental factors and from harmful microbes and viruses, which it “recognises” and “neutralises”. Probably everyone knows that there are two types of immunity: nonspecific and specific. Despite the scientifically sounded expressions, they can be explained simply: we receive specific immunity by inheritance, through the genes of our parents, but as for nonspecific immunity, we develop ourselves, because viruses constantly mutate and the body is forced to rearrange itself in order to create protection against them. Unfortunately, over the years, human immunity undergoes a number of significant changes. By the age of 15, the human immune system reaches its peak, after which it gradually decreases. Therefore, immunity must be constantly maintained, increased and strengthened. Moreover, this is a simple matter and the advice of medical specialists will help you increase and strengthen your immunity within a short period time.

Comparative analysis of immunomodulators affecting the functional activity of blood leukocytes of athletes

Modern sport of the highest achievements sets the athletes the task of overcoming extremely difficult, and in some cases, extreme psychoemotional and physical stress. The analysis of scientific literature shows that regardless of the type of sport, athletes of the highest achievements have significantly reduced functional activity of the immune system, there is a slight immunodeficiency [3, 5-7]. In this regard, the search for means of increasing the functional capabilities of the immune system of the body of athletes is relevant, and not only with the help of synthetic drugs, but also drugs of natural origin. One of the herbal preparations is licorice root, which is well known in the folk medicine of Turkmenistan [2]. The drug of choice for stimulating the immune system can be imunofan, which is currently widely used to correct disorders of the immune system [8].

Molecular-genetic method for sequencing the plague causative agent

Plague is a natural focal bacterial especially dangerous infectious disease. Within the Eurasian region, it is found in Siberia, the Caucasus, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, and 42 autonomous plague foci have been recorded in Central Asia. More than 235 small rodents are carriers of the causative agent of plague in natural conditions, and 120 species of fleas are transmitters. In an epizootologically calm period in enzootic areas, the importance of preventive measures increases [1, 2, 7]. As a result of sequencing, a formal description of the primary structure of a linear macromolecule is obtained in the form of a sequence of monomers in text form [3]. At present, the study of plague has begun at the molecular-genetic level. A typical strain of the plague pathogen is Y.pestis Soemedang (ATCC 19428). The biovars of the eastern CO92 and Central Asian KIM (KIM10) are used as a referent of Y.pestis strains [5, 6].

Prevalence of methobolic syndrome among students

Metabolic syndrome includes a combination of hypertension, abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance caused by peripheral tissues. This syndrome includes a combination of risk factors for atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and their recurrence, characterized by higher rates of mortality and disability (coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, sudden death, stroke) [2, 3]. Given the rising prevalence of metabolic syndrome among students, raising awareness of metabolic syndrome is critical to reduce the incidence. Thus, in today's educational environment, great attention should be paid to the early detection and correction of malnutrition, which underlines the relevance of this study.

Improvement of treatment methods of hypoxic disorders of cardiovascular system in low-weight infants

The problems of functional disorders of cardiovascular system associated with chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia in low birth weight infants are the most important tasks of practical health care. Functional disorders of cardiovascular system are diagnosed in 40-70% of newborns who have undergone chronic hypoxia [4]. The aim of the work is to develop effective methods for the treatment of hypoxic disorders of cardiovascular system in low birth weight newborns.

The importance of hydrocolon therapy in the complex treatment of toxicodermatitis

Currently, toxicodermatitis occupies one of the leading places in the general structure of skin diseases, affecting about 6% of the human population [2, 5]. The intestine is a powerful source of endotoxemia and is a determining factor in the development of autosensitization with the subsequent development and progression of toxicodermatitis [3, 4, 6, 7]. One of the most effective methods of detoxification of the body is colon hydrotherapy. This method is widely used in therapy, but there are few data on its use in the treatment of toxicodermatitis.

Clinico-etiological and age features of atopic diseases in children

Allergic diseases in children (AD), like all chronic diseases, change a clinical picture and severity with age. Spectrum of allergens and other factors provoking AD changes with age [1, 3]. The aim of the work is to study the clinical and etiological features of atopic diseases in childhood.

Development of a new medicinal preparation based on dry extract of licorice root

Domestic and foreign publications unanimously confirm the effectiveness of licorice drugs due to the group of main active ingredients  – triterpene glycosides, in particular, glycyrrhizic acid and its derivatives. The growing popularity of drugs from this type of raw material raises the question of the need to introduce new dosage forms into medical practice. Sodium bicarbonate causes an increase in the alkaline reserves of blood, shifts the reaction of bronchial mucus to the alkaline side and makes sputum less viscous, it is used as an expectorant [6].

Urgrent health issues in the centre of attention

The comprehensive programme Saglyk, developed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, identified a new approach to improving the model of the national healthcare system. Its consistent implementation made it possible to bring the national healthcare system to a qualitatively new level, significantly expanding the range and quality of services provided. The positive experience accumulated by our country in the field of healthcare has been widely recognised by the world community and authoritative international organisations, including the UN and its largest structures – the World Health Organisation (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and others, with which Turkmenistan actively and fruitfully cooperates. The partnership of Turkmenistan with international organisations is aimed at realising the Sustainable Development Goals, strategies, conceptions and other long-term international documents.

A Change of Seasons: Boosting Immunity

We are approaching a change of seasons, there are only a few days of summer left and autumn will come soon. Although this is not only a change of seasons, but also a number of changes in the human body. The autumn is a kind of pause before the weather becomes cold. It is time to take care of yourself and improve your health as winter is approaching. Remember, it does not take much in most cases: physical activity, proper nutrition and a positive attitude. The Director of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Ogulmyahri Geldiyeva told in an interview with the newspaper about the methods of enhancing the body’s defence mechanisms, i.e. immunity. NT: “The onset of autumn is associated with the highest incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI). Who is most vulnerable to them?”

ARVI Protection Rules

Autumn is a traditional season for colds. However, it turns out that each of us is quite capable of avoiding the disease. To do this, you need to take a responsible approach to the prevention of colds, wear masks in public places and also strengthen the immune system. Above all, reduce the time spent in crowded places and public transport. Maintain a distance of two metres. Wear a medical mask outdoors, in the office and in other public places.

‘Green’ encyclopaedia

As is known, labour achievements have become a principle and a tradition on the eve of the festive events and celebrations in our country. This year, the Turkmen leader’s new books, namely, ‘White City Ashgabat’ and ‘Independence – Our Happiness’, were presented on the eve of the 140th anniversary of the capital and of the 30th anniversary of independence respectively. The Volume XIII of the encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by the President of Turkmenistan became a wonderful gift on the Day of Health Workers and the Medical Industry of our country. The new book, like other volumes, won the hearts of our people. This work describes in detail the medicinal and healing properties, growth, distribution, collection, storage, preparation and use of the plants that are important in the protection of human health.

People’s health is national wealth

To date, physicians advise to wear a medical face mask due to the excessive amount of dust particles in the air. The mask is the safest way to prevent diseases. Wash your hands with soap or use disinfectants before touching the mask. People should place the plastic piece of the mask over the nose and adjust the folds to cover mouth, nose and chin well. Avoid touching the mask! Discard the mask immediately after use preferably into a closed bin. People should wash hands with soap under running water for 20 seconds and should use sanitizers throughout the day. The use of antiseptic soaps is more effective.

Basic Recommendations for ARVI

Follow the rules of personal hygiene – wash your hands often with soap, do not touch your mouth and nose Be outdoors daily, ventilate the premises regularly

Be healthy and strong!

To date, physicians advise to wear a medical face mask due to the excessive amount of dust particles in the air. The mask is the safest way to prevent disease. Personal hygiene rules prevent infectious diseases that can occur every season. Infectious diseases are mainly transmitted through dirty hands, uncooked food, and unclean water. Hygiene rules must be followed to improve health. This is very important, and every person should apply these rules in family. Parents should control their children in this context. People should do physical exercises and follow the hygiene rules to protect themselves against different infectious diseases and to stay healthy and strong.

Path of Health is a source of wellness

The President of Turkmenistan has made an ascension to the Path of Health in the morning of his weekend, engaged in sports and has once again set a shining example for the young people. The Turkmen leader’s example plays an important role in strengthening the principles of a healthy lifestyle in our society and in promoting the mass physical culture and sports among the youth. As is known, the concern for the physically and spiritually healthy, broad-minded young generation is a special aspect of the state policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan. At the initiative of the Turkmen leader, the activities aimed at developing the mass physical culture and high-level sports and at promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle are held in our country on a regular basis.

Clean Water — Healthy Life!

Water is vital for humans and has an impact on their health. And this is not surprising, since human body consists almost 70 per cent of water. Moreover, this water must be renewed every 7-10 days! Therefore, not only the renewal of our body, but above all our health depends on quality of drinking water. For a long time, there have been discussions that a person should drink 2-2.5 litres of liquid a day. Many diseases are caused by a lack of it in the body. Even mild dehydration can negatively affect our wellbeing. It is very helpful to start your morning with a glass of clean water. It is water that rejuvenates and strengthens our body. Drinking water regularly throughout the day is an excellent prevention of overeating. To consume water is essential for keeping good physical shape. With the help of water, harmful substances are removed from the body, and physical and chemical reactions associated with metabolism are carried out; evaporating from the surface of the skin, water is involved in thermoregulation.

Tips for preventing seasonal acute respiratory infectious diseases that could be caught with climate change:

Personal hygiene Observe the rules of personal and public hygiene! Wear a medical mask, observe a safe distance of 2 metres and keep your hands clean!

Fol­low the Ru­les of Hy­gie­ne!

To pro­tect your­self from in­fecti­on, you should first fol­low the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne. Ke­ep your hands cle­an – of­ten wash them with so­ap and wa­ter for 20 seconds and then wi­pe them dry with a dis­po­sab­le pa­per to­wel. It is advisab­le to have an­ti­sep­tic wi­pes or liquid agents with you (gels, sprays and ot­hers). Try not to touch your mouth, no­se or eyes with un­was­hed hands. Use a mask when visi­ting pub­lic places and in pub­lic trans­port. Re­mem­ber, the mask needs to be chan­ged every 2 hours. Ke­ep the dis­tance (1.5 - 2 met­res).