Neuroprotective treatment after acute disorders of cerebral circulation

30 July 2022

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cerebrovascular disease is the most common disease in developed countries in the world, which is characterized by an increase in their number in the composition of cardiovascular diseases among people of working age, which depends on the increase in neuropsychic stress. In recent years, the number of strokes among young people and children has increased [12, 14, 15]. Every year, about 14 million people worldwide suffer from an acute stroke, of which about 6 million are fatal. Ischemic stroke accounts for 70-85% of acute cerebral circulatory disorders [1].

Protection of nervous system in the first 4-48 hours after a stroke is especially important. Timely and correctly provided assistance has a positive effect on the outcome of recovery.

Resul NEPESOV, Jumadurdy SOPYYEV
International Center for Neurology of International Medical Centers, Department of Sports Medicine and Biological Support of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports
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