Turk­me­nis­tan-Unesco: co-ope­ra­tion in the cul­tu­ral-hu­ma­nis­tic sys­tem

1 April 2022

Hu­ma­nism be­gins from the cul­tu­re and tra­di­tions of peop­le. Our Na­tio­nal Lea­der no­tes: «The roots fee­ding the best tra­di­tions of hu­ma­nism live in cul­tu­re». Po­pu­la­ri­zing our na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in the world space, in con­necti­on with it wi­de­ning of in­ter­na­tio­nal re­la­tions in the sys­tem of hu­ma­nism are the pri­ma­ry trends of the sta­te po­licy. At pre­sent, a special at­ten­tion is pa­id to deep­ly stu­dying of the rich his­to­ry and the na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge of the Turk­men peop­le.

Every na­tion ma­na­ging to int­ro­duce their na­tio­nal he­ri­ta­ge in­to the list of the values of hu­ma­ni­ty leaves de­served trace in the his­to­ry. Wi­de op­por­tu­ni­ties are crea­ted to stu­dy on the scien­ti­fic ba­sis, to col­lect, to po­pu­la­ri­ze our ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values in­he­ri­ted by our ances­tors. Du­ring ma­ny cen­tu­ries crea­ting ma­te­rial and spi­ri­tual values our peop­le ma­ke a great cont­ri­bu­tion to the world cul­tu­re.

the teacher of the Turk­men Sta­te Ins­ti­tu­te of Archi­tectu­re and Constructi­on.
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