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Esaslandyryjysy: Türkmenistanyň Içeri işler ministrligi
Salgysy: Aşgabat şäheri, Magtymguly şaýoly, 85
Telefon belgileri: 93-00-81, 38-90-62


Neutrality of Turkmenistan is the foundation of peaceful development

In the Epoch of Might and Happiness, as a result of wise foreign policy realized by our country the authority of our Fatherland on the international level is constantly rising. The open doors policy of our Motherland creates great opportunities to establish goodwill relations with any country of the world. The main goal of the foreign policy strategy of our Neutral state is to develop bilateral and multilateral relations with the world community. Widening political, trade-economic and cultural humanitarian relations with different states, especially with the countries of the region and with neighbouring states is one of the primary trends. The realization of mutually beneficial and equal relations creates opportunities to understand the present situation of co-operation and to discuss its future trends.

Remarkable Achievements of the Motherland

In Turkmenistan, many important social, cultural and industrial facilities were put into operation in 2020 the motto of which was “Turkmenistan – the Home of Neutrality”. The Homeland of Neutrality

Relying on the Neutral Status

At present, taking into account new modern challenges, the purposeful and far-sighted policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov based on the principles of neutrality and aimed at ensuring of peace, trust and harmony at the global and regional levels, is becoming increasingly important. The enormous demand for such policy is evidenced by the unanimous adoption of the Resolutions “2021 – International Year of Peace and Trust” and “The Role and Significance of the Policy of Neutrality in Maintaining and Strengthening International Peace, Security and the Process of Sustainable Development” at the UN General Assembly sessions on the initiative of our country. The establishment of peace and trust is exactly what humanity needs most of all at present, because today these two inseparable concepts are becoming the main condition for cooperation and development. The policy of neutrality of Turkmenistan is based on these simple and rather obvious postulates.

the role of turkmenistan’s neutrality in ensuring international peace is growing

UN Officially Circulates the Ashgabat Final Document among Member States Good news came from New York, where the headquarters of the United Nations is located. The final document of the International Conference entitled “Policy of Neutrality and Its Role in Ensuring International Peace, Security and Sustainable Development”, chaired by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on Decem ber 12, 2020, was published in the six official languages of the UN and was officially distributed among the member states.

Important Doctrine in the Life of Humankind

In the book of the respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov The Spiritual World of the Turkmen People, it is emphasised that “the most important measure of wealth for a person and humanity is peace on earth, a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. Leading doctrines of peace are based on peaceableness and friendship.” Peace preservation and adherence to the principles of international law, trust, good neighbourliness and friendship are an important component of international documents and national legal systems of the countries of the world. This and also the Resolution “2021 - International Year of Peace and Trust”, adopted at the 106th plenary meeting of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, vividly testify to the theoretical and practical significance of these values. For over 30 years of independence and a quarter of a century of permanent neutrality, Turkmenistan, following the concept of peace and trust, has demonstrated the practical importance of these socio-political values for ensuring the development of international economic, political, cultural and humanitarian relations. At the same time, Turkmen culture serves as an inexhaustible source for diplomacy of peace and trust. The significance of Turkmen diplomacy lies in the fact that the truly valuable becomes the common cultural heritage of the

The Triumph of Society-Oriented Policy of the National Leader

In our country, people are proclaimed the highest value of the state and society. In this regard, a key priority of the policy of Turkmenistan is to ensure a free, happy and dignified life for the Turkmen people, which reflects the motto of the leader of the nation “The state is for the people!” The state social policy is aimed at meeting the material and spiritual needs of people, creating conditions conducive to self-realisation of the citizens of the country and therefore at strengthening social justice and maintaining social stability. It involves the main spheres of human life: labour, employment, income, housing, health, education and culture. By developing social infrastructure, the state aims to improve the living standards of the people. In the first half of the year, the average monthly salaries at large and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country were 10.5 percent higher as compared with the same period of 2019. Large-scale construction work on industrial and social facilities continued. In the first half of the year, about 2,500 large facilities totally worth US$ 37 billion were built. In accordance with the National Rural Development Programme of the President of Turkmenistan, 1.3 billion manats were invested, 14 large facilities and a number of apartment houses with a total area of 509,000 square metres, including high-comfort residential bui