Prospects of Transport Corridors

25 August 2023

Transport corridors play an increasingly important role in global economic cooperation. The improvement of international transport and transit corridors passing through the territory of Turkmenistan is a key priority of the foreign policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. This is not accidental, since the transnational logistics sector is of great importance for joint efforts of our state and other countries of the world.

Transport communications of Turkmenistan make it possible to deliver transit cargo to all countries of Europe and Asia. This is ensured by a well-developed system of logistics services – one of the major factors of a progressing economy. The prospects for bolstering transport cooperation not only on the Eurasian continent, but also with the world community significantly expand the transit potential of Turkmenistan. Therefore, the development of the necessary infrastructure – railway, sea, air and road transport and a communications network – gives a powerful impetus to the successful integration of the countries of the region into the global processes of economic development, increasing investment flows and facilitating effective cooperation in the context of intercontinental economic realities in the Eurasian space.

Dovletmurad ORAZKULIYEV,
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