Pre­si­dent Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov: Mot­her­land is mot­her­land on­ly with the peop­le!

25 March 2022

The So­lemn Cere­mo­ny of the Inau­gu­ra­tion of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan

On March 19, at the Ru­hiyet Pa­lace in the capi­tal city, a so­lemn cere­mo­ny of the inau­gu­ra­tion of the new­ly elected Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan was held. This day will go down in the his­to­ry of our in­de­pen­dent neut­ral Mot­her­land as a special mi­les­to­ne, mar­king the ir­rever­si­bi­li­ty of the de­mocra­tic trans­for­ma­tions la­unched in our count­ry, which has cen­tu­ries-old tra­di­tions of ge­nui­ne de­mocracy. Fol­lo­wing the re­sults of the Pre­si­den­tial elections, held on March 12 on the princip­les of pub­licity and open­ness, on a broad al­ter­na­tive ba­sis and in accor­dance with the cur­rent na­tio­nal le­gis­la­tion and ge­ne­ral­ly recog­ni­sed norms of in­ter­na­tio­nal law, Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov is known to have be­en elected the new he­ad of the Turk­men sta­te, for whom the ab­so­lu­te ma­jo­ri­ty of the electo­ra­te voted.

State News Agency
of Turkmenistan (TDH)
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