Export-oriented economic model

15 January 2022

Transforming Turkmenistan into a major exporter in the Central Asian region, increasing consistently foreign exchange earnings and enhancing the export potential of all spheres of the economy are the priorities of the economic strategy of our distinguished President Gurbanguly ­Berdimuhamedov. The export promotion programme was adopted to achieve these objectives and to implement state support measures in this area. The programme continues to be implemented successfully despite the global crisis caused by the pandemic.

The achievements in foreign economic activity are a result of the implementation of fundamental reforms in all sectors of the economy. The leader of the nation emphasises the national economic policy should provide for economic structural transformations. This involves increasing the production of goods that meet international standards, enhancing state support for small businesses, the development of which will help increase the production of high-quality products, prioritising the development of export-oriented enterprises that produce the goods from local raw materials and digitalising all sectors.

Head at the Directorate of the Study of Commodity Circulation in Internal and External Markets, Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan
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