Fo­od Qua­li­ty – Everyo­ne’s Concern

8 April 2022

Fo­od sa­fe­ty is a sha­red res­pon­si­bi­li­ty of the sta­te, pro­ducers and con­su­mers. Everyo­ne who accom­pa­nies them on their jour­ney from farm to tab­le has a special ro­le in kee­ping them sa­fe and healt­hy.

Ma­ny fo­od pro­ducts, such as fruit and vege­tab­les, are con­su­med raw, whi­le ot­hers are ris­ky to eat unp­roces­sed. Cer­tain fo­od pro­ducts that are con­su­med in raw form require care­ful proces­sing.

He­ad of the Fa­mi­ly De­part­ment, Ash­ga­bat Health Hou­se No. 3
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