People’s Representation: a New Look

20 January 2023

Popular representation is the most important feature of the modern parliamentary system. It clearly expresses the dominant position of the representative function as an expression of the interests and will of the entire people, that is, the totality of the citizens of that state. The search for the most favourable form corresponding to the people (nation) in a particular country is a rather long and complex process. And among the Turkmen people, they are rooted in the distant past.

The institution of direct participation of the people in determining the fate of the state and society appeared already in the first Turkmen states, first in the form of community (tribal) maslahats (kurultays – congresses), and then in state-structured authorities. The original national traditions of popular representation even today serve as important and cornerstone pillars of the constitutional system, on which the social and state unity of our country and its people has been based for centuries. The representative function is predominant or fundamental in relation to law making.

a member of the Working Group of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honoured Jurist of Turkmenistan, Honoured Lawyer of Turkmenistan