Important Doctrine in the Life of Humankind

8 January 2021

In the book of the respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov The Spiritual World of the Turkmen People, it is emphasised that “the most important measure of wealth for a person and humanity is peace on earth, a healthy lifestyle and wellbeing. Leading doctrines of peace are based on peaceableness and friendship.” Peace preservation and adherence to the principles of international law, trust, good neighbourliness and friendship are an important component of international documents and national legal systems of the countries of the world. This and also the Resolution “2021 - International Year of Peace and Trust”, adopted at the 106th plenary meeting of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly on the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, vividly testify to the theoretical and practical significance of these values.

For over 30 years of independence and a quarter of a century of permanent neutrality, Turkmenistan, following the concept of peace and trust, has demonstrated the practical importance of these socio-political values for ensuring the development of international economic, political, cultural and humanitarian relations. At the same time, Turkmen culture serves as an inexhaustible source for diplomacy of peace and trust. The significance of Turkmen diplomacy lies in the fact that the truly valuable becomes the common cultural heritage of the entire progressive community. The meaning and significance of cultural heritage is to spread the national heritage of the people among other peoples and at the same time to include the values of their culture, there by contributing to the process of mutual spiritual influence.

Director at the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Law