The Triumph of Society-Oriented Policy of the National Leader

1 January 2021

In our country, people are proclaimed the highest value of the state and society. In this regard, a key priority of the policy of Turkmenistan is to ensure a free, happy and dignified life for the Turkmen people, which reflects the motto of the leader of the nation “The state is for the people!” The state social policy is aimed at meeting the material and spiritual needs of people, creating conditions conducive to self-realisation of the citizens of the country and therefore at strengthening social justice and maintaining social stability. It involves the main spheres of human life: labour, employment, income, housing, health, education and culture. By developing social infrastructure, the state aims to improve the living standards of the people.

In the first half of the year, the average monthly salaries at large and medium-sized enterprises throughout the country were 10.5 percent higher as compared with the same period of 2019. Large-scale construction work on industrial and social facilities continued. In the first half of the year, about 2,500 large facilities totally worth US$ 37 billion were built. In accordance with the National Rural Development Programme of the President of Turkmenistan, 1.3 billion manats were invested, 14 large facilities and a number of apartment houses with a total area of 509,000 square metres, including high-comfort residential buildings worth about 1 billion manats, were put into operation.