Ru­les of con­duct in pub­lic places and trans­port

25 February 2022

To­day, per­haps, everyo­ne knows about the im­por­tance of ob­serving the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne, since clean­li­ness is al­ways a key to health. Main­tai­ning per­so­nal and pub­lic hy­gie­ne prevents the spread of in­fectious di­sea­ses.

Viral in­fections are known to be trans­mit­ted through clo­se and pro­lon­ged con­tacts, for examp­le, if you are less than two met­res away from a per­son with signs of ill­ness. Anot­her way is air­bor­ne, if an in­fected per­son snee­zes or coughs, the virus can be trans­mit­ted di­rectly to the mucous memb­ra­nes of the no­se, mouth, or eyes of ot­her peop­le. One mo­re way of trans­mis­sion is through your hands, which can be expo­sed to in­fectious drop­lets from coug­hing and snee­zing, or if you touch a sur­face and then touch your face, mouth, no­se, or eyes.

In­na BU­ROVA,
NT Pho­to: Sa­git BA­TA­LOV
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