Ibn Sina — the great Scientist of the East

3 August 2023

In the Middle Ages (more precisely, in the VIII-X centuries), very favourable conditions for the development of science were created in Central Asia, because at that time, schools, madrasahs and libraries were established in important cultural-scientific centres such as Nissa, Merv, Amul, Urgench (Khorezm), Bukhara, Samarkand.

Our Hero Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wrote in his book «Turkmenistan — the Heart of the Great Silk Road»: «In the middle of the 8th century Central Asia became part of the Arab Caliphate. Arab culture flourished during that time. A large number of books have been translated and are gradually being made available to the general public. There were oral versions of the stories in those books. Accordingly, trade and cultural relations were strengthened». (Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. «Turkmenistan — the Heart of the Great Silk Road». Ashgabat, TDNG, 2017, p. 62)

Romanguly MUSTAKOV,
Head of the Department of Foreign Literature of Magtymguly Turkmen State University, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
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