The pride of the Turkmen people

30 September 2022

Ahalteke horses are an integral part of the national cultural heritage. From ancient times to the present day, representatives of various arts sing in their works love for the horse, its loyalty, grace, intelligence and racing virtues and also immortalise the talent of the people, because such a perfect breed is a result of creativity, knowledge, patience and inexhaustible creative possibilities of many generations.

Nowadays Turkmen specialists aim their work at expanding the scientific basis of horse breeding activities using modern methods, promoting equestrian sports in the country and fostering international cooperation in this sphere. However, the main aspect of this work is to preserve the continuity of horse breeding traditions. This baton of glory was passed on from century to century, from one generation to another, and today, in the digital age, it is important that young people continue to revere and cherish the heritage of the nation, which determined their historical destiny.

Berdymyrat DURDYYEV,
a student, Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov.
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