Eco-friend­ly Trans­port: His­to­ry and Mo­der­ni­ty

8 April 2022

Ma­ny well-known poe­tic li­nes and nu­me­rous pub­lications about the his­to­ry of its inven­tion and its gro­wing po­pu­la­ri­sa­tion in the con­text of the dy­na­mic develop­ment of cycling and the use of the bicycle as a unique and af­for­dab­le si­mu­la­tor to imp­rove hu­man health are devoted to the bicycle as a univer­sal eco-friend­ly vehicle.
The­re are ma­ny de­dications to the bicycle in the ma­il of NT. He­re are a few examp­les.

Go cycling if you want to be healt­hy!

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