Fol­low the Ru­les of Hy­gie­ne!

17 September 2021

To pro­tect your­self from in­fecti­on, you should first fol­low the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne. Ke­ep your hands cle­an – of­ten wash them with so­ap and wa­ter for 20 seconds and then wi­pe them dry with a dis­po­sab­le pa­per to­wel. It is advisab­le to have an­ti­sep­tic wi­pes or liquid agents with you (gels, sprays and ot­hers).

Try not to touch your mouth, no­se or eyes with un­was­hed hands. Use a mask when visi­ting pub­lic places and in pub­lic trans­port. Re­mem­ber, the mask needs to be chan­ged every 2 hours. Ke­ep the dis­tance (1.5 - 2 met­res).

Ma­ral KE­RI­MOVA,
a doctor of functio­nal diag­nos­tics at the Cent­ral Me­dical and Health-Imp­roving Cent­re
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