Discip­li­ned Out­door Be­haviour

10 September 2021

In the Era of Might and Hap­pi­ness, one of the im­por­tant prio­ri­ties of our sta­te po­licy is strengt­he­ning the health of the na­tion and brin­ging up a phy­sical­ly har­de­ned and spi­ri­tual­ly rich youn­ger ge­ne­ra­tion. Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov ta­kes concre­te and con­sis­tent steps in this di­recti­on. Among them are the hol­ding of lar­ge-scale sta­te actions, one of which, “Ro­ad sa­fe­ty – tranquil­li­ty of our lives” is tra­di­tio­nal­ly held in Sep­tem­ber.

Ro­ad sa­fe­ty is a hu­ge set of mea­su­res to en­su­re the sa­fe­ty of all ro­ad users. He­re are so­me tips to fol­low, comp­liance with which will teach discip­li­ned be­haviour on the roads.

Ma­ral KE­RI­MOVA,
a doctor of functio­nal diag­nos­tics at the Cent­ral Me­dical and Health Imp­rovement Hos­pi­tal
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