The poetry by the great thinker

9 June 2023

The noble personality and intelligent creativity of Magtymguly Pyragy have a special place in the centuries-old history of the rich cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, as well as in the literary world of the East. Thus, the great poet and thinker made an invaluable contribution to the world culture and to the philosophy of the Turkmen people.

The wise poet loved the country with all his heart and devoted his whole life to the Motherland and its well-being. Thus, the poems about the Motherland, country, and unity occupy the most prominent place among the poet's works. Magtymguly Pyragy composed a great number of poems addressing these issues. Magtymguly wrote the poems of educational character, which foster the humane qualities in young people. In these poems, he aimed to give noble advices to his contemporaries. The poet called them to being brave, generous, kind, open-handed, hospitable, and condemned those who are rude, unscrupulous, arrogant, and bad-tempered.

the head at the Department of Information Systems, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan.
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