In­dust­rial sector of Turk­me­nis­tan: In­novations and Furt­her Develop­ment

11 March 2022

In­dust­ry is a key sector of the na­tio­nal econo­my. The rich na­tu­ral re­sources of the count­ry, advanced pro­ducti­on and trans­port inf­rast­ructu­re turn Turk­me­nis­tan in­to a po­wer­ful sta­te. In this re­gard, this sector re­mains a prio­ri­ty for the na­tio­nal econo­mic develop­ment; diver­si­fication, the en­hanced com­pe­ti­tiveness of goods, the adop­tion of advanced techno­lo­gies, the const­ructi­on of new en­terp­ri­ses and the mo­der­ni­sa­tion of exis­ting ones – all this cha­racte­ri­ses the prog­res­sive for­ma­tion of Turk­me­nis­tan’s in­dust­ry.

Un­der the far-sigh­ted and wi­se lea­ders­hip of the He­ro-Ar­ka­dag, Turk­men econo­my has ma­de a tre­men­dous prog­ress in a short ti­me, and now our count­ry is en­hancing its econo­mic strength. In this re­gard, our in­dust­ry, con­sis­ting of comp­lex sectors, is the ba­sic fra­me­work of the na­tio­nal econo­my. Dy­na­mic develop­ment is achieved through an ef­fective invest­ment po­licy. In accor­dance with the Socioecono­mic Develop­ment Prog­ram­me of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan for 2019–2025, ma­jor pro­jects to increa­se the pro­ducti­on capacity of the in­dust­rial sector are being imp­le­men­ted.

He­ad at the Di­recto­ra­te of the Stu­dy of Com­mo­di­ty Circula­tion in In­ter­nal and Exter­nal Mar­kets, Mi­nist­ry of Tra­de and Fo­reign Econo­mic Re­la­tions of Turk­me­nis­tan
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