Winner of Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy Youth Contest Announced

23 December 2022

On December 16, the final round of the Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy singing competition took place in the capital city, which traditionally became one of the bright events of the festive programme of the New Year’s celebrations.

Various youth art contests in Turkmenistan, including Ýylyň Parlak Ýyldyzy, are aimed at encouraging creativity and initiative in young people, revealing and supporting new talents, contributing to the professional growth of performers and developing modern music in the country. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches great importance to the harmonious spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the younger generation, who are a powerful force and a happy future for the Motherland.

Photo: Sagit BATALOV