Modern treatment approaches of patients with long-term non-healing burn wounds

9 February 2023

Long-term non-healing wounds (burns, ulcers) remain one of the significant problems of modern surgery and combustiology in almost all countries of the world [5]. In practice, a chronic wound is considered to exist for more than 4 weeks without signs of active healing (the exception is extensive wound defects with signs of active repair) [6].

The aim of the work is to analyze the results obtained with the use of modern dressings in the treatment of long-term non-healing burn wounds.

Akmyrat GYLYCHDURDYYEV, Bayrammuhammet TEGELEKOV, Yazgeldi BEKNAZAROV, Aleksandr TAGANOV, Gultach ANNAYEVA
Department of general surgery of TSMU named after M.Garryyev, International burn center
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