Du­ring Colds, Dried Fruit to Help Strengt­hen Health

11 March 2022

Dried ap­ricots, pru­nes and ot­her dried fruit are so­urces rich in mi­ne­rals, vita­mins and acids that is neces­sa­ry for every per­son to main­tain me­ta­bo­lic proces­ses. Much has be­en sa­id about the be­ne­fits of dried fruit, it is recom­men­ded to rep­lace sweets with them for child­ren; they are al­so go­od for rep­ro­ductive health.

When choo­sing and buying dried fruit, it is im­por­tant to pay at­ten­tion to their lo­ok. High-qua­li­ty fruit are who­le, wit­hout cracks and mould. If pos­sib­le, touch dried fruit. They should be elas­tic and re­si­lient, not dry. For examp­le, go­od rai­sins are black or brown, dried ap­ricots have a pa­le oran­ge hue and qua­li­ty pru­nes have a glos­sy sheen and a bluish tint.

Lyud­mi­la GUR­BA­NOVA,
a fa­mi­ly doctor of Health Hou­se No. 3, Ash­ga­bat
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