Turkmenistan is a sports power

29 October 2021

Sakarchage Etrap is notable for the outstanding athletes. Weightlifting predominates in the Etrap sports schools, especially in Gumlyguzer Gengeshlik, where young people study at the weightlifting school named after Altymyrat Orazdurdyev, a legendary Turkmen weightlifter who grew up there. To date, the outstanding Turkmen athlete A.Orazdurdyev is an exemplary model for fans of this sport.

In recent years, a large number of athletes from Mary Velayat perform successfully for the national and youth national teams of our country. The siblings Hojamuhammet, Nurmuhammet and Aysoltan Toychyevs, Atajan Dayiev are among these athletes. The above-mentioned weightlifters have chosen this difficult sport and continue the path of Altymyrat Orazdurdyev, sharing their experiences with young people.

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