Educational sphere: Innovations of the Year

Every day the admission campaign to secondary and higher professional educational institutions of our country is gaining momentum. The deadlines for submitting documents of potential university entrants, who will face the most crucial stage, the entrance exams, will close very soon. Summer is the time for other important events in the educational system, which are closely related to the preparation for the new 2021–2022 academic year.

Go­od Luck, Ent­rants!

This we­ek the ad­mis­sion cam­paign to secon­da­ry and hig­her pro­fes­sio­nal educatio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions of our count­ry has star­ted. The new 2021–2022 acade­mic year has brought cer­tain chan­ges to the sys­tem of pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning at a num­ber of hig­her schools. First­ly, the­se inclu­de the trans­fer of a num­ber of univer­si­ties to a self-sus­tai­ning ba­sis on Sep­tem­ber 1, 2021, which cor­res­ponds to the goals of accele­ra­ting econo­mic, scien­ti­fic and techno­lo­gical develop­ment in the Era of Might and Hap­pi­ness. This in­novation al­so comp­lies with the tasks of imp­roving the fi­nancial and econo­mic sta­tus of hig­her educatio­nal ins­ti­tu­tions that will de­liver pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning on a pa­id ba­sis.

Education is the foundation of development

Our Esteemed President notes wisely: «Stable foundation of every state is closely connected with high rates of its development, social living level and with the policy of education and science carried out in the country». It testifies that the development of the education system became one of the primary trends of the state policy in our powerful state developing with high rates. That is why following the primary principles of education and science in our Motherland in this connection the vital political, economical and cultural tasks on developing our country are being realized. In September of 2017 the «Conception of Developing the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan» was adopted according to Decree signed by our esteemed President. This Conception is important in improving the quality of education through the provision of high-quality electronic information at all stages of the education system and the widespread use of digital equipment. In the new historic epoch, systematic works are being carried out on putting into practice the «Conception of Developing the Digital Education System in Turkmenistan». Modern educational centres are being built and put into operation in our white city Ashgabat and in velayats. All of these educational centres offer opportunities to conduct lessons in an interactive way using multimedia resources. Conducting lessons through inter

Turkmen Students Successfully Perform in International Subject Olympiads

At the end of the academic year, the educational institutions all over our country conduct solemn ceremonies to announce and honour the winners in various national and international contests and competitions. The examples include the performance of the students from Yagshigeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas in the marathon of international subject Olympiads. An impressive collection of Olympic victories that is a significant replenishment of not only the achievements of the students from the International University of Oil and Gas, but also the national treasury of the intellectual achievements of Turkmen youth is their excellent gift for the upcoming significant holiday of the main city of our country – the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.

History, Present Day and Prospects of the Development of the Art of Architecture

An international forum that brought together specialists in the field of architecture from the CIS member states was held in the hall of the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat. Among them were representatives of specialised higher educational establishments – rectors, teachers and students of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction. As our newspaper has recently reported, a few days before the forum, which was organised in a remote format, a large-scale exhibition of projects and models, embodying the original ideas of course and graduate works of students and graduates of the State Academy of Arts of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction was launched at the art higher educational establishment.

The President of Turkmenistan holds a meeting on science, education, health care, sports and public organizations

On February 8, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working video conference session where the outcomes of work for 2020 in the spheres of science, education, health care, sports and public organizations of the country have been reviewed as well as priority tasks to improve their activities have been identified. Some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of profile ministries and departments, representatives of public organizations, rectors of specialized universities took part in the meeting.

Schoolchildren’s Day Regimen

Schoolchildren’s day regimen, the most rational distribution of the time of day for periods of work, sleep and rest in a certain order can be considered one of the first steps to preserve the health of a child. The word regimen is a French word and in translation means “the action of governing”. First of all, it is about governing your time, and in the end, governing both your health and life.

Permanent neutrality is the way of peace, co-operation and development

The positive and constructive policy pursued by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov during the period of prosperity of our sovereign state is fully supported by the states of the world and authoritative international organizations, taking into account the permanent neutrality of our country. The permanent legal status of Turkmenistan is the basis of the foreign policy of our state. The declaration of Turkmenistan «Turkmenistan — the Homeland of Neutrality» in 2020 is of great importance in further strengthening the global prestige of our country’s foreign policy. Today our peaceful humanitarian policy, aimed at the interests of the region and the peoples of the world, has become a unifying force for the continents. Under the wise leadership of the esteemed President, our country attaches great importance to further development of international co-operation, adhering to the principles of neutrality. This is fully evidenced by our close trade and economic relations with the countries of the world today. The initiatives of our Hero Arkadag, aimed at strengthening international peace, prosperity and trust at the regional, continental and global levels, were presented at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly by member states of the organization Declaration of «2021 — International Year of Peace and Trust» United Nations recognized as a strategic p

Schoolchildren – Prize-Winners of the International Mathematics Olympiad

A representative team of Turkmen schoolchildren successfully competed at the annual, this time the VII, Iranian Geometry Olympiad – IGO, which was organised at the end 2020 in the Internet format. In total, more than five hundred schoolchildren from 49 countries of the world took part in this International Olympiad. Its results were summed up a few days ago. This math competition was held in three categories: primary, secondary and higher, which corresponded to the age groups of the Olympians, including schoolchildren from the seventh to the twelfth grade. According to the terms of the competition, participants in each category were asked to solve five tasks of a high degree of complexity, and they were given four and a half hours to complete the tasks.