The security of the boarders of our Motherland

Carrying out important works on the security of our Motherland, the defence of the sea boarders is one of the primary trends of the our state policy. From this point of view on the 10th of August our Esteemed President took part in the familiarization ceremony of the «Dengiz han» military ship of the corvette type of the «Garshy» Sea Unit of the Military Sea Forces. At present provision of our National Army with the new military ships with modern technology shows strengthening the material-technical basis of the Military Sea Forces. The sea navigators with military preparation, serving in the  ranks of the Military Sea Forces, successfully fulfill the tasks put forward. Being the strong defenders of our sea borders, they provide the security of the sea

Second issue of Turkmenistan sport international magazine appears in print

«7/24. tm», № 32 (115), 08.08. 2022 In the modern world, sport is a significant aspect of international cooperation. The article «Competitions, Friendship and Mutual Understanding among Nations» quotes the President of Turkmenistan that the World Sambo Championships in Ashgabat scheduled to take place in 2025 will not only increase the international sports prestige of Turkmenistan, but also strengthen friendly relations among nations.

Turkmenistan to Hold Numerous Events in August

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov during the online Cabinet Meeting on Friday said although starting August 1, all the state leaders will go on vacation, a number of important events are planned for August, the country’s official media reports. On August 1, the solemn opening ceremony of Rowaç cottage complex will take place in Avaza National Tourist Zone.

To New Heights of Progress

The next, 14th volume of the book To New Heights of Progress, prepared for printing by the Archival Fund of the President of Turkmenistan of the Main Archival Directorate under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, has been published. The volume contains the most important publications of the year 2020, which cover all aspects of the internal and external strategy of the state and give a visual representation of the cardinal transformations in the political system of society, economy, social and cultural spheres and scientific and educational field.

Supporting Joint Efforts

Preparations are underway for a complete population and housing census, which will be conducted in Turkmenistan on December 17-27, 2022 using digital technologies. In close cooperation with the Government of Turkmenistan, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is making its contribution to the preparatory work. Supporting the joint efforts, the UNFPA has provided the State Committee on Statistics with census equipment, which will allow conducting a digital census for the first time in Turkmenistan. A population census is the most important source of information that provides the basis for the development of short-term and long-term socioeconomic development programmes of each country. For example, the population census results only produce such indicators as the level of education, age, family structure and housing conditions, and this makes it unique. In June 2015, the UN adopted a Resolution urging every country to conduct at least one census during the period from 2015–2024. Many of the indicators and sections for which data will be obtained indicate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

When summer passes the equator

The longest, summer, school holidays continue, which, having crossed the equator line, still involve schoolchildren from different regions of our country in a circle of exciting joint pastime. Shift after shift, all children’s recreation centres located at the foothills of Geokdere and in all velayats work in an active mode. Now the third recreation season is coming to an end. And upon its completion, after a few days, children’s health centres will again be filled with the hubbub of joyful voices of young vacationers. According to the established tradition, many of them, preferring to relax in children’s health centres in the company of peers and friends, spend their holidays there most if not all summer shifts. The children really like the conditions of comfortable living in buildings resembling ultra-modern hotels and all kinds of clubs and sections designed for different age groups of schoolchildren. And of course, the most popular and favourite among them are events of a competitive format, participation in which makes it possible to identify and sharpen the multifaceted potential of versatile talents and capabilities of children.

Turkmenistan received the first batch of equipment for the population census

«7/24. tm», № 30 (113), 25.07. 2022 In preparation for the 2022 Population and Housing Census in Turkmenistan, which will be held from December 17 to 27, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) handed over the first batch of necessary equipment to the country’s State Committee on Statistics.

Actressees who look younger than their age

«7/24. tm», № 30 (113), 25.07. 2022 Today, many women try to look younger than their age. This trend is welcomed by society.

What to do on hot summer days?

«7/24. tm», № 27 (110), 04.07. 2022 On hot days wear lightweight and loose clothes, be sure to wear hats. Take a bottle of water with you as well as fruit and berry refreshing drinks: fruit drinks, compotes, juices. All drinks must be at room temperature.

What to do in hot weather

«7/», № 24 (107), 13.06.2022 The Turkmen summer has begun reigning, and the thermometer creeps up every day. On these days, you should not forget about the precautions in hot weather. Wear lightweight and light-coloured clothes, be sure to wear hats and try to be in direct sunlight as little as possible. When you leave the house, take a bottle of water with you.