Garden is decoration of life

3 December 2022

The International Certificate given to the city of Ashgabat for its support through tree-planting actions and its contribution to the initiative «Gardens in the city» of the European Economic Commission of the UNO proves the recognition of successes of our country in protection of ecology and environment on the international level and success in turn in foreign policy of our country. At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the 22nd of April of this year our Esteemed President congratulating our people with important events underlined that the programs and projects of Turkmenistan and the UNO directed at attaining the sustainable development have been successfully realized by common efforts.

For the sake of securing national and universal ecological safety the National Forest Program including the tasks of tree planting around the towns and villages, along automobile highways and railroads in our country is successfully being realized. Because protecting nature is one of the important trends of the state policy of Turkmenistan. It consists of taking care of health, creating good living conditions and for having a rest of people. In March of this year organization of tree planting event started by our Esteemed President in our capital devoted to the day of International Novruz Holiday—our National Spring Holiday vividly shows this truth.

Gurbangul MYRADOVA,
Head of the Department of the Turkmen Lanuage of the Turkmen National Institute of the World languages, the candidate of philological sciences.