Our white city, Ashgabat

Ashgabat, the white marble capital of our Motherland, has a splendid appearance nowadays. Moreover, the celebration of the Ashgabat City Day demonstrated the potential of the Turkmen capital to the world. The festive events were organized in all corners of the capital, and beautiful music created a wonderful atmosphere. Our white city, Ashgabat, is becoming more beautiful thanks to the concern of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. It should be noted that Ashgabat has become a large centre of sports.

Ashgabat gives inspiration

Our white marble capital has become one of the most beautiful and liveable cities in the eyes of the international community thanks to the historic transformations in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Our white marble Ashgabat captivates with its beauty. A number of unique facilities of the Turkmen capital were included in the Guinness World Records and provoked pride of our compatriots. A number of cultural and social buildings and facilities in our country are called in honour of the capital. Ashgabat has confidently established itself in the status of a recognised centre of fruitful cooperation in sports, which has become a venue for major regional and worldclass competitions. A vivid example of this is the 5th Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, held in 2017 on the arenas of the capital’s Olympic Complex and crowned with a real triumph.

Achievements in the youth policy

The Turkmen people have cherished their unique traditions and principles from the times of Oguz Han and have preserved them for the future generations. To date, our beloved people pay special attention to the younger generations, who are the future of the country, and educate them in the national spirit. The noble traditions of our ancestors are being worthily cherished by the National Leader of the Turkmen people and the President of Turkmenistan in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state.

A favourite book of the youth

The independence of our beloved Motherland is our treasure, which embodies the creative power of large-scale transformations in Turkmenistan, and the unity and integrity of the Turkmen people. Thus, the valuable works on the international legal status of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, on the roots of independence and its historic significance are thoroughly studied by the people. One of such works is the book ‘Independence – Our Happiness’ by the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Published in three languages and illustrated with numerous photos, the book describes the achievements made in different fields in the years of independence.

The city of the future

The state programmes aimed at promoting the national principles, increasing the economic power, raising the living standards of the people, and accelerating the pace of development of the country are being successfully implemented in Turkmenistan in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Orders and payments from passengers will be accepted through a digital system using modern devices installed in the state-of-the-art public transport in the city of Arkadag. The digital system will also control the traffic routes and the movement of public transport. Moreover, thanks to the devices installed in the electric buses, special mobile software will provide information about the route lines, name and number of the vehicle, and the time it should arrive at the stop. The applications will be available to all passengers.

Practice match with hockey players from Kazan HC Ak Bars system

«7/24. tm», № 16 (151), 17.04.2023. A visit of the hockey players from HC Ak Bars from Kazan, led by a three-time world champion, the only five-time winner of the Gagarin Cup Danis Zaripov, to Ashgabat was a remarkable event in the national sports calendar in April.

Young people earn the trust

The revival of the new epoch of the powerful state is a wonderful time of great concern for young people. The year ‘Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar’ is another evidence of that fact. This motto inspires the Turkmen youth to take an active part in the implementation of programmes for the prosperity of our Motherland, to strengthen the economic power of the country, and to contribute to the great initiatives that improve the living conditions and raise the spirit of our people. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov expressed great trust in the youth who are associated with the progress of the country on the path of great transformations. The suggestions and opinions of young people were considered in the construction of the city of Arkadag, which is being built according to the smart city concept in the beautiful, historic corner of Turkmenistan. Most of the officials of the city are young specialists. At the root of this work is the fact that young people have earned the trust of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

A centre of new technologies

Turkmenistan has reached great heights and is looking forward to new horizons of development under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. This fact is inextricably linked to the concern for the progress of science and education at the state level. To date, digital technologies are increasingly integrated into our life. The modern services and opportunities, provided in trade, health, transport, and other spheres, are of great importance in improving the welfare of our people.

Achievements in the education system

The achievements of the younger generations are the achievements of our country, which has entered the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Excellent conditions are created for our young people to receive modern education, to choose their future profession, to make full use of their abilities, and to implement their plans in life. Taking into account the need to prepare qualified professionals to achieve the tasks set in the national education system, a thoughtful approach is taken to this sphere. Excellent opportunities are created in different corners of the country to implement those important tasks. Thanks to these opportunities, the number of students admitted to high and secondary vocational schools is increasing year by year.

The builders of the future

The harmonious development of all sectors of the national economy and the bright future of the people depend on the smart, educated, moral and cultured younger generations with broad worldview. That is why there is great concern at the state level for the development of young people into successful individuals in Turkmenistan. Impressive work is underway to implement the state youth policy in the year ‘Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar’. We will work tirelessly to promote the content and importance of the state youth policy put forward in our beloved country under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Moreover, a new generation of young people, who follow the example of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and consider service to the Motherland to be the meaning of their lives, has been formed in Turkmenistan. The main goals and principles of the Turkmen youth are to study, learn, create and justify the trust for the great future of our Motherland and for the happiness of our people.