President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov participated in the International Conference

11.12.2021.Today, the International Conference «Peace and Trust Policy – Basis of International Security, Stability and Development» has taken place in the Congress Centre of the capital and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has attended its solemn plenary session. In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov arrived in the venue of the international forum. Chairpersons of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh and Deputy-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, who congratulated the leader of the nation on International Day of Neutrality and the International Conference «Peace and Trust Policy – Basis of International Security, Stability and Development» which is held on the occasion of this holiday, welcomed the head of the state there.

In the Evening Light…

The current pace of the transformations taking place in the main city of the country is amazing. The social, administrative and housing infrastructures expand systematically. All this not only enhances the beauty of Ashgabat, but also contributes to creating an optimally comfortable environment for work, accommodation and recreation of the residents and guests of the city. In this regard, it should be noted that the emphasis is placed not only on the aesthetic component, but also on the layout and placement of facilities at the design stage to develop a unified system that ensures fully the active life of people. In short, Ashgabat has embodied the spirit of the new time – the Era of Might and Happiness. Modern lighting systems that emphasise the beauty of the city in the evening, when everything shines and is iridescent, have an important place in the beautification of Ashgabat. Certainly, a comprehensive and specific approach is taken to choosing lighting devices and systems, taking into account the purpose of use, design and architectural embodiment, location of every device, including neighbouring buildings, to create a harmony. Such an approach brings the desired results: the city is very beautiful in the evenings, illumined with thousands of lights. The current generation takes such lighting as a matter of course, but it was not always like this.

Glorification of great Independence

The Epoch of Might and Happiness is not only the period of time development and great changes but it is also the epoch of holidays and celebrations making people happy. The ceremonial holidays and glorious events taking place in the year «Turkmenistan – the Home of Peace and Trust» also vividly show this truth. The book «Independence – Our Happiness» by our Esteemed President became a wonderful present to the 30th anniversary of Independence of our Motherland. It is pleasant to note that this book is the chronicle of the 30 year glorious history of Independence of our country.

«Independence means prosperity and welfare»

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov,President of Turkmenistan:«The Independence and Neutrality of Turkmenistan is the basis of all our successes and achievements, recognized and supported by the world community». In his book «Independence — Our Happiness» devoted to the 30th Anniversary of Turkmenistan our Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov writes: «Independence means prosperity and welfare». These words show that during the period of Independence our country has attained great achievements for the prosperous life of the people of Turkmenistan. The book fully describes the meaning of the word «Independence» which opened a new stage of development of our country.

Radiance of high Buildings

On the days of celebration of the 30th Anniversary of Independence of our country the important events written in golden letters in our history were very important by their essence. On the 26th of September our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of the «Ashgabat» Trade, Rest and Business Centre consisting also of dwelling houses, built in the capital which is a unique centre in the region. The total area of the project of the new complex of construction built by the «Beyik bina» private enterprise is equal to 8 hectares. There are four–storied trade and rest centre, six storied business centre and modern complex of dwelling houses, two–storied halls for 800 persons for holding marriage parties there. The complex consists of the underground parking lot for 708 cars, car washing and car service centres, café, engineering constructions, trestle-work bridge and 309 metre long canal. Besides that park zone was created. Over the 65 square metre area territory of the trade centre includes more than 240 shops, a supermarket, the physical culture and cultural–sanitation centre, café and food–courts, saloons, playgrounds for children, billiards, bowling – alley, cinema hall, ice ground, rest and attraction centres.

The golden treasury of the country

As our esteemed President notes, wide opportunities created for businessmen who are the golden treasury of the country increasing the production power of the national economy raises more the living conditions of our people. On March 17-19, 2021-the year «Turkmenistan-the Home of Peace and Trust» during which the 30th Anniversary of our state is widely celebrated, the exhibition organized on the occasion of the 13th Anniversary of creation of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan became the proof of fruitful result of the policy directed at developing the private business. In his Congratulation sent to the participants of the exhibition and conference our Hero Arkadag underlined: «In future too looking at developing small, middle and large business as one of the primary trends we shall continue the state support of this trend. Widely using the opportunities of business in different branches, supporting the business initiatives of citizens we shall encourage the investment activity».

Neutrality Of turkmenistan — on the way of sustainable development

Finding its expression in program strategies of our esteemed President on successive improving our society in all trends of national development Neutrality of Turkmenistan occupies its deserved place in ensuring structural parts of security on the world level, in preserving sustainability and in universal development. Openness of our state, its readiness for wide-scale international co-operation as the reliable state and its activity in finding positive solutions of universal problems stand on the basis of declaration as the important condition of ensuring the sustainable development. These tasks serving peace through development, first of all, are in harmony with humanistic traditions of Neutrality of Turkmenistan. Our esteemed President underlines: «Neutrality is our wealth. Its value was recognized by the world community. It is a doctrine ensuring peace and friendship, humanism and goodwill co-operation and development». It testifies that our permanent Neutrality opening wide opportunities through active participation in international life, creates the necessary conditions for securing the universal peace, for supporting the fruitful trends of economic co-operation and for being devoted to solution of important problems. Especially, on the initiatives of our esteemed President works carried out for securing ecological energy safety by our state and for creating the transpo

New book by President of Turkmenistan Presented in Ashgabat

The new book by the President of Turkmenistan Independence is Our Happiness, published on the eve of the 30th anniversary of independence, was presented at the Centre of Public Organisations. The representatives of Parliament and public organisations and the media attended the meeting. Those speaking at the presentation noted that the new book by the leader of Turkmenistan was some kind of excursus to the modern history of the Turkmen nation. The book emphasises the rightful place of the Turkmen state, founded at the end of the 2nd millennium BC, on the political map of the world, marking the beginning of a new historical era for the people of the country.

Gardens decorate our life

On November 6, the President of Turkmenistan launched the national tree-planting campaign in the cities and villages of our country. It should be noted that our compatriots took part in the campaign on a 13.5-hectare territory in the south of the capital, near the Magtymguly Pyragy Monument under construction. The same day, following the example of the Turkmen leader, people planted over 61,200 juniper seedlings in the Magtymguly Pyragy Cultural and Park Complex, located on a 153-hectare territory. Besides planting seedlings, the participants watered the previously planted trees and landscaped the territory.

Independence of Turkmenistan: 30 Years of formation and development

Over the years of independence, Turkmenistan has become a prosperous, developing country, known internationally as a reliable partner with a peaceful policy. An invaluable contribution to the annals of independence, to its further development and strengthening is made by respected President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, under whose leadership a strong, stable and dynamically developing state has been established.