The strong foundation of prosperity

The books, scientific works, multifaceted fundamental works by our Hero Arkadag, which are very popular both in and outside of our country, are very important in upbringing the younger generation on the basis of patriotism and the moral values that have developed over the centuries. The book «Bright Steps of Prosperity» by our Hero Arkadag includes public speeches, a collection of ideas on foreign policy, economics, culture, science, a new publication and other areas, as well as a proposal to further development of our state. Of course, the fact that this book answers many of the most complex questions of modern international life, its significant importance for understanding deeply thoughtful policies of our Neutral State carried out on the world scale, our Motherland’s position in the world, the aims and tasks put forward in it, shows its great significance not only for politicians, diplomats, specialists, and journalists, but also for all citizens who are interested in foreign policy. The book outlines concrete and fundamental approaches to the important tasks of the modern world, such as maintaining and strengthening the current peace and stability of our country, appreciating the future of regional development, in accordance with the provisions of United Nation's Charter and enacting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is also noteworthy that states the sp

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov participates in a festive concert

On June 27, on the occasion of the Day of Workers of Culture and Art and of the Poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy, widely celebrated throughout the country, large-scale festive celebrations were held. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the creative evening in honour of the significant date, held in the building “Türkmeniň ak öýi”, located in Nowruz ýaýlasy, Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. The festivity, held owing to the efforts of the head of state, demonstrated the glorious events in the cultural life of the country and the role of national culture in the development of society. Within the framework of the Week of Culture, large-scale events, aimed at enriching the spiritual world of our people, were launched in the country.

The winners of our future victories

To educate the younger generations in the spirit of patriotism, to provide excellent conditions for young people to be educated and creative, to do sports, to fully realize their abilities, and to develop their intellectual capacity are the priorities of the state youth policy. On June 14, our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has held a meeting at the Congress Centre of Turkmenistan on the priorities of the state youth policy and the improvement of national legislation in this sphere. The meeting participants discussed the introduction of amendments and additions to the Law of Turkmenistan ‘On State Youth Policy’. Our Hero-Arkadag has launched a number of initiatives in this context. Speakers at the conference, including in the Turkmen students, expressed their sincere gratitude to our Hero-Arkadag for excellent opportunities created for them, affirmed their full support for the initiatives of the Turkmen leader and promised to justify the trust of the society, to be faithful to our Motherland and people, and to become skilful professionals.

The book for the youth

The book ‘Ömrümiň manysy’, which is based on the outstanding talent and rich life experience of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has great importance in educating the younger generations in the spirit of humanity, diligence, patriotism, in living a meaningful life, and in promoting good deeds. The value of the book in teaching young people the noble principles, such as good reputation, is immeasurable. The book consists of the chapters ‘Introduction’, ‘The Culture of Being’, ‘The Word about Faith’, ‘Primordial Principles Rooted in the Depths of Millennia’, ‘A Backward Look’, ‘Pilgrimage to the Holy Mecca and Medina’, ‘The Spiritual and Moral School of the Nation’ and ‘Conclusion’. Besides the moral principles of the Turkmen people, the book highlights the great achievements and development of independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan, and important events in the career of the Turkmen leader. This wonderful work includes very important initiatives for the present and the future.

Turkmenistan Brings Together Experts from Different Countries of the World

Five higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan took the initiative to organise international student Internet Olympiads in various areas. International University for the Humanities and Development offered an online platform for the International Mathematics Olympiad for University Students. The intellectual competition comprised the individual and team tournaments. The individual tournament had two categories: students who specialise in mathematics and computer technology competed in the first category and representatives of different academic disciplines in the second one.

Avaza is a pearl of tourist destinations

To date, the Avaza National Tourist Zone has become a pearl of tourist destinations shining with beauty under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan. The high-rise buildings along the Caspian Sea shore welcome guests and visitors. Magnificent hotels, children's recreation centres, wellness and leisure centres allow our compatriots to strengthen their health. The yacht and sports clubs adorned with national elements function in Avaza. The sports centres and complexes are available for holding large sports events, competitions, meetings and training sessions. The Avaza Sports Complex, which was opened with the participation of our Hero-Arkadag, is known as a very convenient and modern centre for training and hosting international sports events. Our compatriots and travellers have a good time and play beach games and different sports in the Complex during the holiday season. Cycling is especially popular among holidaymakers. This sport has a positive effect on the physical and mental health. Avaza is known as the final point of the Amul – Hazar international rally, which was held in 2018. At that time, the National Tourist Zone attracted a great number of sports fans and athletes from different countries. As is known, excellent conditions have been created for recreation in Avaza these days. Special flights have been opened for our compatriots, and hotels are wai

A bright path for secondary school graduates

Excellent conditions are created for young people who will leave the secondary schools to choose the professions they like thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan. There is a state concern for the employment of our young people, who want to work after school. Hundreds of secondary school graduates will enter the institutions of higher education this year. Thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan, our compatriots study in prestigious foreign educational centres. Many of them have graduated and are successfully working in different sectors of our economy.

Our Motherland is a blossoming garden

Our independent, permanently neutral country makes great progress in all spheres. In this context, the state programmes have been adopted and are being successfully implemented in each sphere. One of such programmes is the National Forestry Programme of Turkmenistan. Over 145 million tree seedlings have been planted to turn our country into a garden and to create a healthy environment for our people thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan in recent years. The noble initiatives of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are successfully implemented under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. This fact was presented by the spring tree-planting campaign attended by the President of Turkmenistan.

A description of a meaningful life

Our people have always attached great importance to the upbringing of children. This fact is obvious when people read the Turkmen proverbs, sayings, poetic folklore, legends, and parables. The book ‘Ömrümiň manysy’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who adheres to national principles and values in this valuable work, is of great importance in this context. The book’s first chapter ‘The Culture of Being’ is dedicated to education. The early choice of a profession, while the children are still at secondary school, makes this issue one of the great tasks facing the teachers and awakes interest in the book. Our Hero-Arkadag writes that a child's career begins with a mother. This fact takes the readers on a journey to the epicentre of folk art, called lullaby.

Russian edition of new book

The presentation ceremony of the Russian edition of the book ‘Ömrümiň manysy’ by the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was held in the conference hall of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan on May 17. The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry’s officials, heads of international organizations and foreign missions in Turkmenistan, rectors of the institutions of higher education, professors, students and representatives of the mass media.