The cordial pride of people

A festive meeting under the motto ‘the City of Arkadag is a Model of Modern Architecture’ was held in the Malikguly Berdimuhamedov Palace of Culture in Yzgant settlement, Gokdepe Etrap on December 25. The Ahal Velayat Hyamkilik, the Halk Maslahaty and the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan jointly organized the event. The meeting was dedicated to granting the new, modern administrative centre of Ahal Velayat the status of a city, to naming it the city of Arkadag, and to starting the second stage of the construction of the city. Representatives of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, public organizations, different sectors of the national economy, employees of education, culture, health institutions, the elders, the youth and other guests made speeches at the event.

The city of Arkadag is an invitation to happiness

The principle ‘the state is for the people!’ bears wonderful fruits in all spheres of our life. The main objective of those transformations is to focus on the interests of every citizen, the well-being of the people, their knowledge, intellectual capacity, and opportunities, which fully reveals the content of the state policy in Turkmenistan. As was noted at the offsite extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on December 21, according to the Decree of the Mejlis of the Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan, the modern administrative centre, the art monument located in the park, and the children's health and rehabilitation centre were named after our Hero-Arkadag, because Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was widely recognized by the Turkmen people and the world community as a great leader who made impressive historic achievements in the years of independence. To date, the Turkmen leader is an exemplary model for younger generations in all aspects.

Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan: peace, trust and universal development

Achievements in the spheres of policy, culture and economy, progress and development as well as international authority that have been gained by our country since the day when international status of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan was recognized by the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization with unanimous support of 185 world states, has shown the correctness of the way chosen by our state. Within that period of time, Turkmenistan took upon itself a heavy burden of maintenance of peace both in the region and the whole world and carried out vast activities in this sphere. Turkmenistan, relying on tasks and objectives originating from its legal status of Permanent Neutrality, carries out large-scope activities concerning providing and maintenance of universal peace, global safety and sustainable development and thus, significantly widens the scope of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign states as well as international organizations. This is completely witnessed by the fact that Turkmenistan, up to present moment, has been maintaining diplomatic relations with numerous states and has been actively participating in the activity of major international organizations as their member.

G20 Summit

«7/24. tm», № 47 (130), 20.11.2022 This year, the G20 leaders’ summit with the theme «Recover Together, Become Stronger» hosted by the Indonesian G20 presidency took place in Bali.

Nationwide tree-planting campaign

The autumn tree-planting campaign was launched by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov on November 5. According to the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan, it was planned to plant 3 million trees throughout the country, including in 1.5 million trees in Velayats this year. The autumn tree-planting campaign was notable for good spirit and high labour achievements in the regions of the country.

Advantages of physical culture

Physical health of a person is a natural state of an organism caused by normal functioning of all its organs and systems. It is an invaluable wealth for the entire society. Training sessions and sports events at the institutions of higher education prepare students for life and contribute to their harmonious physical development. They train the body, make health stronger, improve physical qualities, abilities and skills, and create favourable conditions for a long and active life. Moreover, they contribute to the education of such personality traits as morality, aesthetics, hard work, and ensure intellectual development.

Education of young people

To date, great attention is paid to studying and promoting the glorious history of the Turkmen people. They have attached great importance to their spiritual and cultural values, as well as to their unique national culture and development since ancient times. The interest in our cultural and spiritual values and cultural heritage has increased in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Our mother tongue, our literature, and our attitudes towards the education of younger generations are at the core of our national principles. Teaching our noble principles and national values to the younger generations and educating them to be patriotic is a priority of the state policy in Turkmenistan. In this context, promotional meetings are held at Turkmen Agricultural University named after S.A.Niyazov on a regular basis. The Turkmen people cherish the historical, cultural and spiritual values, ancient sayings, proverbs, and literary works inherited from our ancestors especially this year, which is being held under the motto ‘the Era of the People with Arkadag’. The history, language, literature, art, cultural and spiritual heritage of our people is an inexhaustible treasure. Ancient sayings related to the people's heritage, including in proverbs and various expressions, serve as an endless source for studying the rich material, cultural and spiritual values of our people, as

Educational transformations

The successful implementation of the initiatives put forward by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the development of our country depends on the material and equipment base of the scientific and education system, which plays a key role in providing high-level personnel for the sectors of the economy, and on the modern teaching methods. According to the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan on the Socio-Economic Development, it is planned to build 4 high schools, 54 secondary schools, and 40 nursery schools by 2028. To date, the construction of the institution of higher education of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat and the Ahalteke Equestrian High School and scientific and production centre in Ahal Velayat are underway.

Dovlet Maslahaty is a symbol of statehood

The Dovlet Maslahaty (State Council), successfully organized on the eve of the 31st anniversary of independence, became a symbol of the commitment to the noble principles of the Turkmen people, which have been inherited from glorious ancestors in our epoch. On September 23, the Dovlet Maslahaty was held under the chairmanship of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov for the first time in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The agenda of the event included summing up the results achieved over the past period and discussing priority tasks for the comprehensive development of the country. Besides other spheres, the participants attached special importance to the achievements in the development of sports and physical culture in our country, as well as primary tasks in the field of youth policy. The President of Turkmenistan emphasized in his speech at the nationwide forum that our country, which is a member of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic Council of Asia, makes a significant contribution to the development of the international Olympic movement.

Promotion of the sports movement

Thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, great attention is attached to the development of sport and physical culture in our country. The Turkmen leader promotes the initiatives started by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and contributes to the health of people. Our compatriots realize that sport and physical culture are the main sources of the human health. Turkmenistan makes great efforts for the development of the sports system and for the promotion of the mass physical culture and sport. To date, victories and achievements of the Turkmen athletes at the international events make our people proud. The world community admires the Turkmen sport. The large international events held in our country and new victories of our athletes demonstrate this fact and provoke the deep interest of foreign sports experts in Turkmenistan and the Turkmen sport.