Experimental tests of tincture from turkmen mandragora leaves

In the third volume of the encyclopedic publication "Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan", the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gives a biological characterization of Turkmen mandrake (Mandragora turcomanica). Turkmen mandrake belongs to the nightshade family, height 20-40 cm, leaves in the form of rosettes with a diameter of 160 cm, the lower ones of which are 80 cm long, and the upper ones are shorter. Valuable qualities of Turkmen mandrake are frost resistance and a long growing season, which allows to consider mandrake a promising vegetable plant for selection work. The medicinal properties of this plant have been known since ancient times. Mandragora was used as a sleeping pill, narcotic drug. Other properties of this plant are described: emetic, diuretic, hemostatic. Information is presented about the use of mandrake in the treatment of acute pain and cramps in the eyes, solid tumors and purulent ulcers, and poisonous insect bites. Leaves are applied to bruises, roots – to furuncles, to pain points in joint pain [1, 5]. The aim of the work is to determine the antimicrobial activity of tincture prepared from the leaves of Turkmen mandrake, to identify the possibility of using the preparation in practice.

Healing Properties of Liquorice Root

Over many centuries, the Turkmen people have been using the plants to restore and improve their health. Their healing properties have become known through the centuries-old expertise and observations of our ancestors. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov described in detail the natural resources of our country in 12 volumes of the encyclopaedia Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan. One of them is liquorice, buyan in Turkmen. The Turkmen leader pays great attention to using medicinal plants, in particular the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of medicines from liquorice root, in modern medicine. The national leader calls upon health professionals to take a science-based approach to using medicinal plants, including those that grow in the territory of the country and deserve in-depth research. Particularly now, when scientists in all countries are using effective means of combating the new dangerous infection and conducting numerous studies. The leader of the nation believes liquorice root to be one of them.

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body!

Is cleanliness a guarantee of health? Most of us will answer yes and will be right. Hygiene skills are a very important part of a culture of behaviour. The need for to be neat and to keep face, body, hair, clothes and shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. The cultivation of personal and public hygiene skills in people plays an important role in protection of their health, promotes good behaviour in everyday life and in public places. Ultimately, not only their personal health, but also the health of the whole society depends on the knowledge and fulfilment of the necessary hygienic rules and norms of behaviour by people. It is necessary for each of us to strive for making the rules of personal hygiene natural and moral habits of hygiene and constantly improving them.

Life is animated water

Throughout the history of their existence, people have accumulated rich experience in using of water for medicinal purposes. People were treated and strengthened by it in Ancient Egypt, Babylon, China and Ancient Greece. It is interesting that the word “doctor” in translation from Assyrian means “deity who knows water”. In Central Asia, baths existed already in the 2nd-1st centuries BC in the territory of Nisa. This is evidenced by the characteristic remains of the walls, properly designed “bathtubs”, floors and fragments of painting. Archaeologists accurately established the fact that the discovered room is a bathhouse. There is a legend about Rodoguna, the daughter of the Parthian king Mithridates I. Once, when she was having a bath, the capital city was besieged by enemies. Twisting her wet hair, which she vowed to wash after the victory, the queen jumped on her horse and at the head of the army rushed to the enemies.

Chlorella is a fount of nutrients and biologically active compounds

A wide range of uses of chlorella, green alga, and the prospects for its cultivation and uses in Turkmenistan were discussed by participants in an online meeting held recently. The meeting brought together members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, scientists, agricultural experts, lecturers and students of the institutions of higher education. The participants highlighted health benefits of chlorella for humans and its use as biologically active supplements in animal husbandry, poultry farming and cosmetology, means to increase soil fertility and a raw material to produce biofuel. The important issues discussed at the meeting included methods to cultivate chlorella. In this regard, the cost-effective and science-based methods were proposed.

Healing Root at All Times

Speaking at one of the sittings of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called upon scientists and health professionals “to take a science-based approach to using medicinal plants, including those that grow in our land and should be studied thoroughly.” Many regions of Turkmenistan (Kopetdag, Great Balkhan and Small Balkhan, Koytendag) abound in valuable species of medicinal plants. Liquorice (buyan in Turkmen, Glycyrrhiza glabra in Latin) has a special place among a huge number of useful wild plants that grow in the Amudarya valley. It is also known as liquorice root and Glycyrrhiza glandulifera. The liquorice plant is an herbaceous perennial legume.

Personal Hygiene Rules

Hygiene is an extremely comprehensive concept. It includes the regime of working and rest conditions, rational nutrition, adherence to the rules of body care, use of hygiene products and much more. Personal hygiene is a set of rules for human behaviour in everyday life or at work. In the narrow sense, it is hygienic maintenance of body, clothing and household items. Violation of personal hygiene requirements can negatively affect the health of not only one person, but also of large groups of people (team, family, members of various communities).

On Guard of People's Health Turkmenistan Registers the Sputnik V Vaccine

The level of healthcare development is one of the main indicators of the quality of life of the population in any country and effectiveness of its state model and social policy. Indeed, in this area, there are the main postulates that give activities of the state a human dimension, a value content determined by the concept that “People’s health is the country’s wealth”, the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasises. The Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan has registered the Sputnik V vaccine developed by the scientists of Gamaleya Research Centre with the support of the Russian Direct Investment Fund and has issued the corresponding certificate.

Prevention of Seasonal ARVI

• Be adherents of a healthy lifestyle: get enough sleep, eat right and fully, make the right daily routine and do physical activity and sports • Strictly and completely follow the rules of hygiene

Candles from Yuzarlik – Products from the Saglyk Pharmaceutical Plant

In the near future, citizens of Turkmenistan will have an opportunity to buy a new product of the Saglyk pharmaceutical plant – candles made from pressed harmala (yuzarlik). Not only pharmacies, but also retail outlets will sell harmala candles. The set includes six briquettes and a stand, i.e. candlestick for harmala. It is difficult to overestimate the health benefits of harmala to humans. All Turkmen people know its healing properties. Over many centuries, this plant has been used as an effective remedy for many ailments. The Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov describes in detail the healing powers of Turkmen nature in the multivolume encyclopaedia Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan and in the book Turkmenistan – the Land of Healing.