Results of treatment of HER 2-positive breast cancer

The incidence of malignant mammary tumors (MMT) is one of the first among oncological diseases in the world and in Turkmenistan. According to the WHO data, 1 million 700 thousand women fall ill annually in the world [1]. Immunohistochemical (IHC) and other molecular genetic studies are of great importance in determining the biological characteristics of MMT [2-4].

Comorbidities of coronary heart disease in Turkmenistan

According to the WHO, in 2018, 17,9 million people die annually from cardiovascular disease (CVD), and this is 31% of all deaths in the world [8]. Most of the patients seeking medical help for CVD, and in particular coronary heart disease (CHD), have several diseases of the internal organs. Comorbidity in CHD in Turkmenistan has not yet been studied enough. In this regard, the study of factors that can affect the course of CHD continues to be an important task of fundamental and clinical cardiology. The aim of the work is to study the presence of comorbid conditions and the structure of comorbidity in patients with stable angina pectoris in Turkmenistan.

Optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the leading causes of irreversible vision loss. This pathology is bilateral and leads to primary disability in people over 50 years old. According to various sources, central vision impairment due to AMD was observed in 10% of people aged 65-75 years, and in people over 75 years old in 30% [2, 3]. Genetic factors and the environment play an important role in the development of AMD. Risk factors include hypertension, atherosclerosis, smoking [1, 3, 4]. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of optical coherence tomography for the diagnosis of AMD.

Peculiarities of the development of reproductive function in adolescent girls with hypothyroidism

At present, hypothyroidism occupies a leading place in the structure of the general endocrine pathology of adolescent girls. Disorders associated with hypothyroidism can lead to changes in the menstrual cycle, infertility, miscarriage [8, 12].

Surgical treatment of benign liver tumor in infants

Benign liver tumors are the most common diseases in childhood, however, due to the absence of clinical symptoms, they are discovered by chance, when examining another pathology of the patient [1, 3, 7]. We present a clinical case of surgical treatment of a 16-day-old newborn with liver tumor.

A healthy lifestyle is a source of inspiration and creative energy

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who was on a working trip to the Balkan velayat, together with his grandchildren took a walk across the Caspian Sea on a modern yacht Rahat.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Open windows regularly to provide fresh air to offices and rooms of the flat. Keep your hands clean, observe a distance of 2 metres and wear masks correctly.

And Again about Hy­gie­ne, Masks and Dis­tance

Man­da­to­ry ob­servance of the ru­les for preven­tion of various di­sea­ses has become a neces­sa­ry con­di­tion of the pre­sent ti­me. We talk much about the ru­les of per­so­nal hy­gie­ne, since clean­li­ness is al­ways a key to health. Comp­liance with per­so­nal and pub­lic hy­gie­ne prevents the spread of a hu­ge num­ber of in­fectious di­sea­ses trans­mit­ted through dir­ty hands, hou­se­hold items and air­bor­ne drop­lets. Per­so­nal hy­gie­ne, re­gu­lar­ly was­hing hands, ob­serving the etiquet­te of coug­hing and snee­zing and kee­ping social, sa­fe, dis­tance are gua­ran­tees of the pre­servation of per­so­nal health and care for the health of ot­hers. So, an im­por­tant con­di­tion for main­tai­ning health is per­so­nal hy­gie­ne and, above all, hand hy­gie­ne. To­day, even young child­ren know that hand was­hing is one of the most ef­fective hy­gie­ne procedu­res. It is avai­lab­le to any per­son, it prevents the mas­sive spread of in­fectious agents and sig­ni­ficant­ly re­duces the risk of in­tes­ti­nal and viral in­fections. Hand hy­gie­ne has a wi­de ran­ge of pro­tecti­on. It shows sig­ni­ficant preven­tive re­sults, is on a par with vaccina­tion. Ho­wever, a procedu­re per­for­med poor­ly will not give the de­si­red ef­fect.

Rules of behaviour in hot weather

Clothing hygiene requirements are especially important in hot weather for ensuring freedom of breathing and air circulation. On such days, it is necessary to wear loose clothing made of natural fabrics, to put on light headwear and to carry a bottle of water with you. On days with a high air temperature (above 38 °C), do not go outside without special need, especially during the period of maximum solar activity (from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.). In a room with air conditioning, the temperature should not be set below + 23 ° ... + 25 °C.

Seasonal Illness Prevention Tips:

Include vegetables and fruit, fish, dairy dishes and other food products rich in vitamins A, B1 and C in the diet.