For environ­ment pro­tecti­on

8 April 2022

En­su­ring environ­men­tal­ly sa­fe con­di­tions for the po­pu­la­tion, the en­ti­re diver­si­ty of flo­ra and fau­na, environ­ment pro­tecti­on through the reconst­ructi­on and re-equip­ment of in­dust­rial en­terp­ri­ses, the int­ro­ducti­on of cyclic techno­lo­gical proces­ses and ener­gy ef­ficient practices and the ra­tio­nal use of our rich na­tu­ral re­sources are the ma­in goals of the sta­te po­licy imp­le­men­ted in Turk­me­nis­tan. This is sup­por­ted by the le­gal fra­me­work for environ­ment pro­tecti­on crea­ted over the years of in­de­pen­dence and adop­ted laws that re­gu­la­te re­la­tions bet­ween the sta­te and users of na­tu­ral re­sources, in­ten­ded to en­su­re environ­men­tal sa­fe­ty. To cont­rol the imp­le­men­ta­tion of environ­men­tal le­gis­la­tion in in­dust­rial and ot­her econo­mic activities and to mo­ni­tor the sta­te of the environ­ment, the Environ­men­tal Cont­rol Service was es­tab­lis­hed wit­hin the structu­re of the Mi­nist­ry of Ag­ricul­tu­re and Environ­ment Pro­tecti­on of Turk­me­nis­tan in 2012, which is celeb­ra­ting its tenth an­niver­sa­ry this year.

The structu­ral sub­division of the ag­ro-ecolo­gical de­part­ment is the executive bo­dy of sta­te po­wer in the field of ecolo­gy to prevent, de­tect and supp­ress vio­la­tions of the le­gis­la­tion of Turk­me­nis­tan re­gar­ding environ­ment pro­tecti­on and to en­su­re the comp­liance of econo­mic en­ti­ties with environ­men­tal sa­fe­ty ru­les. In its work, it re­lies on the requi­re­ments of the develo­ped re­gu­la­to­ry documents. The sta­te environ­men­tal cont­rol is car­ried out over the use of na­tu­ral re­sources, the ma­in of which are so­il and wa­ter, the­re­fo­re, the ma­in at­ten­tion is pa­id to the preven­tion of pol­lu­tion, in ge­ne­ral, the ra­tio­nal use of land and sur­face and ground wa­ter (except hyd­rot­her­mal so­urces). The Service inclu­des the de­part­ments of environ­men­tal cont­rol and techno­lo­gies and in­novations and two la­bo­ra­to­ries to cont­rol air pol­lu­tion and al­so wa­ter and so­il.

Ogul­bagt SEY­DIYEVA,
a lea­ding specia­list at the Techno­lo­gy and In­novation De­part­ment, Environ­men­tal Cont­rol Service, Mi­nist­ry of Ag­ricul­tu­re and Environ­ment Pro­tecti­on of Turk­me­nis­tan