To new heights on the ba­sis of the cons­ti­tu­tion

11 March 2022

2022, decla­red in our count­ry as “The Era of the Peop­le with Ar­ka­dag”, is a year of special sig­ni­ficance. This year our count­ry is celeb­ra­ting two glo­rious da­tes: the 30th an­niver­sa­ry of the adop­tion of the Cons­ti­tu­tion of Turk­me­nis­tan and the crea­tion of the Sta­te Flag of Turk­me­nis­tan. They are the most im­por­tant att­ri­bu­tes of our sovereign count­ry, sym­bo­li­sing the uni­ty of the peop­le and the neut­ra­li­ty of the sta­te.

Spea­king on March 1 to the mem­bers of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan, our es­tee­med Ar­ka­dag or­de­red to cla­ri­fy and wi­de­ly pro­mo­te the con­tent of the Ba­sic Law of the count­ry, the norms and princip­les set forth in it and the activities car­ried out in Turk­me­nis­tan to pro­tect hu­man rights and free­doms. The lea­der of the na­tion al­so no­ted the ne­ed to plan in­ter­na­tio­nal con­fe­rences, exhi­bi­tions, fo­rums, com­pe­ti­tions and crea­tive mee­tings in ho­nour of tho­se da­tes at the sta­te and in­ter­na­tio­nal level.

Nu­ry KO­ME­KOV,
a de­pu­ty of the Mej­lis of the Mil­li Gen­gesh of Turk­me­nis­tan, Mem­ber of the Com­mit­tee on In­ter­na­tio­nal and In­ter-Par­lia­men­ta­ry Re­la­tions, Can­di­da­te of Law