Pri­de of the mot­her­land and an examp­le of pat­rio­tism, dig­ni­ty and ho­nour

4 March 2022

– the Win­ners of the Wo­man of the Year Con­test

The col­lective ima­ge of the Turk­men wo­man, our con­tem­po­ra­ry, in all her mul­ti­faceted beau­ty was pre­sen­ted at the cere­mo­ny of ho­nou­ring the win­ners of the Wo­man of the Year Con­test. The fes­tive event was accom­pa­nied by sincere cong­ra­tu­la­tions and won­der­ful mu­sical per­for­mances to the glo­ry of our wo­men. Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov sa­id very kind and ins­pi­ring words about them, li­ke the win­ners of the Con­test, “You are the joy of our eyes, the warmth of our hearths, the light of our souls! With your warmth, which you give us wit­hout a trace with all the in­he­rent pro­per­ties of your hearts, you mul­tip­ly the pros­pe­ri­ty, peace and tranquil­li­ty of every ho­me and the en­ti­re peop­le. Your de­dication, ho­nour and dig­ni­ty are the gua­ran­tee of a bright fu­tu­re for the Turk­men na­tion.”