Ama­zing “heaven­ly” hor­ses and ala­bays are the pri­de and wings of the so­ul of the turk­men peop­le

25 February 2022

Quo­tes from the works of the he­ad of sta­te Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov A Hor­se – a Sym­bol of Faith­ful­ness and Hap­pi­ness and Turk­men Ala­bay

Our ances­tors, cog­ni­sing the world of their devoted hor­se, crea­ted the bo­ok of li­fe from rea­son and science, from concepts and views. Al­ways staying clo­se in all the dif­ficult pe­riods of his­to­ry, the hor­se gave them strength and ins­pi­red them for fu­tu­re sta­ges of their way. “Pa­ra­di­se” hor­ses, being cons­tant com­pa­nions of the Turk­men along the path of the sus­tai­nab­le develop­ment of his­to­ry and in the process of strengt­he­ning the ro­le of the peop­le in li­fe, ab­sor­bed the best fea­tu­res and became a sym­bol of fear­less­ness.