in the nineteenth century, the German scientist A. Humboldt is known to have introduced the term “natural monument” into science. It means amazing natural spots or fragments. In the Lebap velayat, the most famous of them are located in the south, in the Koytendag etrap. These are, first of all, the world famous plateaus with dinosaur tracks left 150 million years ago and karst caves with their amazingly beautiful inleakage decoration.
Depending on the scientific and aesthetic value and uniqueness, natural monuments differ in their importance in descending order and in other statuses: regional, national and local. Yes, such attractions do not have to compete with those that scientists and tourists and simply lovers of beauty know about in many countries. However, this does not mean that natural monuments of local importance are not of interest, this is evidenced by the unique corners of nature located in the Farab etrap.