Singer of freedom and love

12 November 2021

The personality of Magtymguly Pyragy has always remained mysterious for numerous bibliographers and researchers of his work. What everyone knows about his life is in many ways ambiguous and, perhaps, over time, literary scholars will open previously unknown pages of the life of the legendary figure of Magtymguly.

All his worldview and creativity is permeated with drama, starting from his youth, when his girlfriend was married to a rich man. After some time, as the legend says, the poet married to a widow Ak-Gyz, and here also misfortune befell him, his two sons died in childhood. Judging by the poems, Magtymguly suffered separation from his brothers and people close to him. The cruelty of foreign rulers, barbaric raids to his native land, the tragedies of many peoples did not fail to be reflected in his poetry. Many ideas and conclusions of Magtymguly were taken from folklore and the works of his father Dovletmammet Azadi, the author of not only lyric poetry, but also a treatise in verse Vagzy-Azat, which is unique for Turkmen literature. The ideas about building a happy and just state, reflected in this work, were further developed by Magtymguly in his poems. However, the main place in his poetry is still occupied by the theme of patriotism and love for the people.

NT. Photo: Sagit ADYGOV