It is quite obvious that an analytical excursus into the chronology of achievements over 30 years of the sovereign development of the Turkmen state is impossible without a detailed study of the dynamics of transformations in the socio-political life of the country. The ongoing reforms, which not only serve as an inductor of internal processes, but also generate a key political factor in optimising external relations, are to strengthen the democratic and legal frameworks of our society. It should be noted that it was democracy that determined the further course of the state at the first stages of its sovereign development. Therefore, the work to strengthen and improve the political and legal frameworks of our state, the Basic Law of which defines democratic development as the initial vector of the path of independence, was carried out in coordination with the fulfilment of such a basic task as the formation of an acceptable foundation for the democratic principles of the national society.
In Turkmenistan, which according to the Constitution is a democratic, law-based and secular state, a huge work has been done to create a national democracy that meets the mentality, credo, life foundations, traditions and customs of the people and also the fundamental norms of international law. This is illustrated by the constitutional reforms conducted at the initiative of the esteemed President in 2008, 2016 and 2020, which at the current stage of global development have made it possible to develop and establish the universal principles of democratisation that are resistant to metamorphoses of life.