How to Boost Your Child’s Immune System in Autumn

17 November 2023

Children are most vulnerable to acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI); their immune system is developing rapidly and has to withstand not only infections, but also the stress that a growing human body undergoes in all periods of development, in particular, during periods of growth or when adapting to a team of peers.

Usually, when treating ARVI, parents relieve the symptoms of the disease, and if these symptoms regularly occur, they “sigh and wait” for the child to “outgrow” childhood illnesses. However, the solution is simple – the child’s defence system, that is, child’s immunity needs to be improved. Only about 10 per cent of people have the strong immune system from birth; that of the rest depends on living conditions and lifestyle.

Ogulmahri GELDIYEVA,
the Director at the Information Centre, Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan