"Adalat" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-62-50, 38-62-75, 38-62-38
Email: adalat-gazeti@sanly.tm


High Title at the CIS Level

Serdar Rahymov, a fourth-year student of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, was awarded the honorary title “The Best CIS Student-2023”, special medal and corresponding Diploma of the 1st degree following the results of the competition of the same name. This international competition, in which a Turkmen student excelled, is a joint initiative of the International Association of Young Scientists, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, as well as the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association National Movement “BOBEK”. It was attended by representatives of talented youth from Azerbaijan, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan, who contested in three competitive categories: science, art and sports.

“Student of the Year – 2023”

Traditionally, on the last days of the academic year, Ashgabat hosted the final round of the state competition “Student of the Year”, organised by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the National Trade Union Centre. This time it took place at Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages. The year 2023 is being held in our country under the motto “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, which gives an additional impetus to the rapid development of education, science and innovations, which are priority areas of the state policy.

From Moscow – with Victory!

Every year, Lomonosov Moscow State University holds the Universiade in Linguistics and Regional and Cultural Studies, in which Turkmen students traditionally take part. The current Universiade under the symbolic name “Lomonosov” was held in two rounds. Following the results of the first round, which took place at the beginning of the year in the format of writing an essay on given topics, the participants of the second, spring, round were determined.

Happy birthday, our beloved city!

Residents of Ashgabat traditionally celebrated City Day on May 25. This year, our capital celebrated its 142nd anniversary. In all corners of the city, one could feel the atmosphere of the holiday, and solemn events – concerts, theatrical performances and exhibitions – were held.

Ashgabat and Moscow Build up Cooperation in Education

The scientific and educational events, involving young scientists, teachers, graduate students, students and schoolchildren of our country united the capital cities of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation on the same April days. Lomonosov-2023 International Scientific Conference

Ashgabat Unites the Best Experts in Informatics

Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas hosted the 1st International Open Internet Olympiad in Informatics, which, together with Turkmen students, was attended by over 450 fans of modern technologies from more than 50 higher educational institutions of Russia, Belarus, China, Azerbaijan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Romania and Germany. Among the foreign participating universities are such reputable and world-famous higher educational establishments as the Petronas University of Technology (Malaysia), the Ploiesti University of Petroleum and Gas (Romania), the China Petroleum University (Beijing) and other higher educational establishments that occupy the top lines in the world rankings in the field of education. The Olympiad was organised on the Moodle platform, specially created for such intellectual competitions by the leading IT-specialists and teachers of Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas, which performs the tasks of registering participants, creating the necessary logins and passwords for them and uploading tasks of varying complexity, developed taking into account the best international practice. They were developed on such sections of information technology as system and object-oriented programming, binary coding, measurement of information and computer graphics. When developi

Turkmen Students Have the Highest Number of Victories

The Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management became the centre of the Open International Internet Olympiad in Macroeconomics, which was attended by students from a number of domestic and foreign higher educational establishments specialising in economics. The year 2023 is being held in our country under the motto “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, and it gives an additional impetus to the rapid development of education, science and innovation and fruitful international cooperation in these areas, which are priority directions of the state youth policy.

Subject Olympiads and Science Competitions Are in Full Swing

The bright embodiment of this year’s slogan “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar” is the impressive numerous achievements of students and schoolchildren – the participants in various science and education competitions on a national and international scale. Record number of participants

Moscow Hosts 15th Congress of Eurasian Universities Union

The delegation of Magtymguly Turkmen State University participated in the 15th Congress of the Eurasian Universities Union that took place recently in the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow. The venue for the forum was Lomonosov Moscow State University. In an interview with our newspaper, the Turkmen participants of the Congress – Head of the Research Department, Candidate of History Murad Hojakuliyev and a leading specialist of the Advanced Training Department Bayramgeldy Annaklychev spoke about the goals of the trip and the issues on the agenda of the forum. On May 19, 1992, Magtymguly Turkmen State University joined the Eurasian Universities Union that was established on the initiative of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since its inception, the Union has held 15 congresses in Moscow, Kyiv, Baku, Ashgabat, Kazan, Minsk and Astana. Today, the Eurasian Universities Union (EAU) includes the national universities of all the CIS states, major regional universities and higher educational institutions of the Eurasian countries.

Digital education system

In the Year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, the improvement of the national scientific and education systems and the upbringing of scientifically-educated, highly qualified personalities for the present and future development of our life in line with the best international practices continue through the efforts of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Today Turkmen young people study, learn foreign languages and different subjects, enrich their knowledge and conduct research at the modern universities and institutes equipped with smart high technologies. We have modern and advanced opportunities to improve the scientific and education systems of our country. Nowadays a digital education system or digital learning has the main place in the world. Digital education is the ingenious use of digital technologies and tools throughout teaching and learning and is frequently known as Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) or digital learning. Digital learning is facilitated by technology that offers students some control over place, time, pace and path. Digital learning is replacing traditional educational procedures more and more each day. 

So choose yourself: being multilingual or not?

Language is a vital part of human connection. Although all species have their ways of communicating, humans are the only ones that have mastered cognitive language communication. Actually, language allows us to share our ideas, thoughts, and feelings with others. There are some benefits of learning a second language. Learning a language strengthens the area of the brain which is responsible for memory, speech and sensory perception. Bilingual people are better at retaining lists, sequences, names and directions. They are also more creative, perceptive and can concentrate for longer.

Beauty, intellect and talent

The final round of the art contest Talyp Gözeli – 2023 took place at the Cultural and Business Centre of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan. The organisers of the event were the Ministry of Education, Magtymguly Youth Organisation and the Women’s Union. More than 20 representatives of higher educational institutions of the country took part in the final round of the contest. The main aim of this cultural, educational and patriotic project is to promote spiritual, creative and aesthetic education of young people and to reveal and support young talents. Traditionally, this art contest begins a month before the International Women’s Day celebrations. The students had to work hard to be among the finalists: they outperformed their rivals in the university round and prepared for the final. For several hours of the bright show, the participants demonstrated their knowledge of etiquette and proved that they have incredible grace, artistic skills and creative abilities to the judges, consisting of the famous cultural and art workers of our country.

Ashgabat will unite the best connoisseurs from all over the world

In order to mark the motto of this year proclaimed in our country as “The Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”, a number of international student scientific and practical conferences and subject Olympiads, which will be held both in person and in the Internet format with the participation of representative audience from around the world, are to take place in Ashgabat in the near future. Among the domestic universities that will organise scientific and practical conferences are Oguz Khan Engineering and Technology University of Turkmenistan, Yagshygeldi Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management. It is expected that the forums of students and young scientists will be participated by teaching staff and professors from dozens of countries, including Russia, Japan, Korea, Romania, Germany, Vietnam, Singapore, China, India, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Winners of International Olympiads

Another impressive successes of students of Ashgabat secondary specialised school 87 with the in-depth study of languages became a vivid embodiment of the motto of this year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”. Already in the first month of the year, they replenished a kind of treasury of intellectual achievements of our country with several significant victories at once. Students of this educational institution Davut Allaliyev and Shirmyrat Geldiyev became winners of an international online competition, which was held under the auspices of the Anglius educational portal of distance projects in English. Some of the best Turkmen students in the language of Shakespeare respectively rose to the second and third steps of the symbolic podium.

Turkmen student is the laureate of the CIS competition

The honorary title “The Best Young Scientist of the CIS” was awarded to a student of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Serdar Rahymov, who became the winner of the competition project of the same name. The organisers of this initiative were the International Association of Young Scientists and the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the Association “Bobek Nationwide Movement”. The competition “The Best Young Scientist of the CIS” is a unique project aimed at popularisation of science and personal achievements in it of young scientists of the CIS. Its main goal is to identify especially significant and best innovative works of young scientists, to promote scientific interests and to create a common platform for joint strategic development in this area of international cooperation.

Education is the Abc of Prosperity and Welfare

Back in the 18th century, the poet-philosopher Dovletmammet Azadi wrote in his work Wagzy-Azat, “Education illuminates the mind with the light of knowledge, the heart with a spiritual view and the body with the power of inspiration.” Today, the wellbeing of the individual, the prosperity of society and the security of the state are formed through the educational system. The ethical content of the educational environment covers upbringing of a person who does not strive to live easily, but tries to live life in good conscience. Therefore, the right to education, first of all, is a constitutionally protected spiritual value. The educational system, as a specific investment in the future, creates a cultural and intellectual image of a person and reveals a positive image of the country. Concern for human capital, conditioned by an increase in the level of education and an improvement in the quality of knowledge, is a civilisational perspective of any state.

Turkmen Participants Win Silver Medals

The representatives of our country successfully performed at the STEAM-Azerbaijan-2022 international festival, organised with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Together with the hosts, the combined teams of schoolchildren and students from Türkiye, Israel, Norway, the UK, Sweden, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan participated in this intellectual and science forum. In total, the festival brought together about 900 participants in almost 300 teams. It should be noted that the abbreviations STEM and STEAM, which are close in meaning, have been increasingly mentioned in recent years in the context of modern teaching methods based on an advanced and innovative way of learning, which combines science, technology, engineering and mathematics in the first case and adds art and the humanities in the second case, when the letter “A” (arts) is added. This approach is practiced in the interaction of theoretical and applied skills.

Bill Gates recommends some books to read on new year’s eve

«7/24. tm», № 50 (133) Billionaire Bill Gates, known for his passion for reading, named several books that he would recommend for everyone to read, Komsomolskaya Pravda reports.

From Moscow with Victory

The Turkmen students from the International University for the Humanities and Development took the first place in F.F. Martens Competition on International Humanitarian Law, which brought together teams from around the world in Moscow. The team of the International University for the Humanities and Development passed all the stages of the professional intellectual competition, which is an annual initiative of the International Committee of the Red Cross. The qualifying round, held on the national level, revealed the best experts by their answers, and students and lecturers from 21 institutions of higher education in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan qualified to the final. The IUHD team consisting of the students of the Faculty of International Law and International Relations, Zohra Geldiyeva, Dovlet Gurbanov and Novruz Nurberdiyev represented our country in the final, which was held in Moscow. Their mentor, a lecturer at the Department of International Law Vekil Vekilov, prepared them for this prestigious competition.

Double Victory of Turkmen Students

The 2nd International Student Financial Security Olympiad closed in the Sirius Park of Science and Art in Sochi, the southern capital of the Russian Federation. Representatives of 12 states took part in the competition. Together with the hosts, they included Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Brazil, India, South Africa, China and Turkmenistan. The event, which has become annual, is held on the instructions of Russian President Vladimir Putin to improve the financial literacy of young people. This intellectual marathon started last May, when the large-scale qualifying round was held in the participating countries in four Olympic categories: economics and financial security; law; international relations; informatics and information security.