"Adalat" gazeti

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-62-50, 38-62-75, 38-62-38
Email: adalat-gazeti@sanly.tm


The country of health

Following the motto ‘Public Health is National Wealth’, large-scale work is being implemented in our country to improve the health system and to modernize its infrastructure. The Saglyk State Programme defines the current and future goals and objectives on the path of fundamental transformations in the health system. The large-scale work on improving the national health system, extending the life expectancy, promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and developing sports indicates the success of the state policy implemented under the wise leadership of the President of Turkmenistan for the welfare of the people. The health of our people is the main wealth in our country.

Medicinal plant

The beautiful Turkmen soil is the home to medicinal plants that are a cure for thousand diseases. The multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov describes in detail thousands of species of medicinal plants growing in our country and used by our ancestors since ancient times and their benefits. One of those plants is liquorice. Being one of the oldest medicinal plants in the history of medicine, liquorice has 4 species growing in our country and 15 species vegetating in the world. In folk medicine, the liquorice root is used in the treatment of internal diseases, cough, kidney, upper respiratory tract and duodenal diseases. According to the World Health Organization, this plant is one of the most important constituents.

The Role of Fruit in Human Nutrition

Healthy nutrition is the basis on which the general healthy and vigorous state of the body, excellent mood, external attractiveness and performance are built, and it is a guarantor of a long life. Nutritionists assure that the secret of longevity is in a healthy and proper diet. “You are what you eat” – about the meaning of this catch phrase of Hippocrates and the direct impact of the quality of nutrition on health most except people who are completely indifferent to their lifestyle have thought. The food we eat directly influences our vital activity, wellbeing and quality of life. And it is very important to establish the right eating habits already in childhood.

European immunization week launched in Turkmenistan

«7/24. tm», № 18 (153), 01.05.2023. A briefing on vaccination took place at the Centre for Public Health and Nutrition of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan. Representatives of the media and international organisations, in particular UN agencies, health professionals and students of the Myrat Garryev State Medical University attended the event, organised by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan jointly with the WHO Country Office and other UN agencies.

Sustainable Immunisation System – a Guarantee of People’s Health

The European Immunisation Week is held every year in Turkmenistan in the last week of April. Our country, located in the European Region of the World Health Organisation, that has made health protection and disease prevention the state policy priorities, is participating in this region-wide event, initiated by the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2005 with the aim of improving vaccination coverage by raising awareness of the general public and its groups about the great importance and need for immunisation. The main idea of the Week is that timely routine vaccination is vital for every child and prevents diseases and protects life.

Green Tea is a Healthy Drink

Changeable weather can cause a cold. Healthy and delicious drinks will help prevent this, they will not only warm, but also benefit your body and immunity. First of all, green tea. It is the second most popular drink in the world after water. However, 80 per cent of sales in the world are black tea, although the beneficial properties of green tea are higher, which is proven by scientists. Both types are good for health, but contain different amounts of vitamins and minerals and have different medicinal properties.

Useful plant

The flora of the Turkmen nature, which includes mountains, plains, seas, rivers, deserts, and lakes, is the backbone of the national economy, especially the industrial sector. One of the plants is liquorice, widely distributed in the valleys of the Amu Darya River. The liquorice root is considered a cure for thousands ailments. There are thirteen species of this plant in the world; four of them grow on the Turkmen soil. Two species of liquorice are of industrial importance, namely, Glycyrrhiza glabra and Glycyrrhiza uralensis. Liquorice has been considered a valuable plant since ancient times. The medicinal value of its root was discovered in the ancient Chinese medicine 2800 years ago. The famous Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides, who lived in the 1st century AD, named this plant ‘Glycyrrhiza’ referring to the sweetness of its roots.

Bike rides mark World Health Day in Turkmenistan

«7/24. tm», № 16 (151), 17.04.2023. Bike rides and sporting events took place throughout Turkmenistan to mark World Health Day. President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in a bike ride, which was held in Ashgabat. Members of the government, heads of parliament, ministries, departments, military and law enforcement agencies, public organisations and the media took part in the sporting action, which started from the Bicycle Monument in the capital city. Heads and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan, athletes and students joined the action.

Rules for Maintaining Health

Changing weather makes our body especially vulnerable. And spring hypovitaminosis can occur. Transport, public places, a coughing colleague or other situations have a high risk of getting sick. But this can be avoided if all precautions are taken. Let’s talk about simple ways to protect yourself and your loved ones during this period of the year. Get enough sleep

New edition

As is known, the multi-volume encyclopaedic work ‘Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan’ attracts great interest and popularity in the international medical community. Thus, the English edition of the Volume XIV of this encyclopaedic work by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medicine and Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov became another evidence of the international prestige of Turkmenistan. This encyclopaedia of folk medicine has become available to millions of readers. The scientific work is a wonderful gift to the peoples of the world who are eager to learn the experience and traditions of the Turkmen people, and a worthy contribution to the scientific treasury of the entire human culture in the field of medicine.

Mass bike ride marks World Health Day

«7/24. tm», № 15 (150), 10.04.2023. On April 7, mass bike rides entitled «Arkadag Serdarly bagtyýar ýaşlar - sport, sagdyn durmuş baş ýörelgämiz» took place to mark World Health Day.

The significance of medical diplomacy in the health care system of Turkmenistan

Currently, medical diplomacy as an instrument of international politics and the formation of a positive image of the state occupies a special place in the world political arena. Taking into account the ever-increasing international interest in the national health care system of Turkmenistan, medical diplomacy is another opportunity for the exchange of experience in the health care structure, including on the issues of combating the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences [1]. The concept of "Global Health Diplomacy" appeared in the lexicon of diplomats in the 70s of the last century. At present, this concept has become widely known. Its goal is to coordinate the efforts of international organizations, using the possibilities of medicine as an instrument of international politics [2].

Adaptative capabilities of the cardiovascular system of first-year students

One of the leading criteria for the quality of life is nutrition [10]. Disturbances in the structure of nutrition to a high extent affect the state of human health, especially during periods of increased stress [7, 9]. A special category of the population belonging to the high-risk group are students whose period of final maturation of the body coincides with the period of intensive learning [4].

Effectiveness of phytotherapy as a part of combined treatment in women with habitual miscarriage and chronic pyelonephritis

It is known that chronic pyelonephritis most often manifests itself during pregnancy, leads to complications of gestation, an increase in morbidity and mortality among newborns, so the study of the problem of chronic pyelonephritis remains relevant from the standpoint of modern obstetrics and perinatology. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of measures combined with phytotherapy before and during pregnancy in women with chronic pyelonephritis and a history of recurrent miscarriages.

Clinical significance of ultrasound in the diagnostics of hip dysplasia

Early diagnosis of hip dysplasia in newborns and children under one year of age using safe methods is one of the most important tasks of pediatric orthopedics. Ultrasound examination, which allows to obtain complete information about the structure of hip joint, is publicly available in all medical institutions providing services to newborns. An additional advantage of this method is that the child's motor activity at the time of the study does not affect its quality and effectiveness.

Modern concepts of relationship between intestinal microflora and obesity

Obesity and related diseases are on the rise worldwide, including type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Overweight is also increasingly common among children, indicating that the epidemic will continue to grow [5]. In recent years, many scientific works have appeared indicating the relationship of intestinal microflora with many diseases, in particular, with diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory bowel diseases [7, 12]. Human body "collaborates" with the microbiota due to so-called phenomenon of metabolic integration [1]. At the same time, a person receives from microorganisms a number of key metabolites, in particular, short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) [7]. It is known that with the same food intake and exercise regimen, there is a different susceptibility to an increase or decrease in body weight and a possible cause is the different metabolic activity of the human microbiome, including the different composition of the intestinal microflora [2, 5].

Content of vitamins in the composition of herbal tea

Vitamins are indispensable regulators of vital processes of the body; vitamins C, P, K, and A play the most important role in humans. Their absence or deficiency often leads to the occurrence of certain diseases [1]. The aim of the work is to determine the content of vitamins in herbal tea from medicinal plants of Turkmenistan using spectrophotometric, volumetric and weight methods of analysis.

Health for All

 (Press Release) The annual celebration of World Health Day on April 7 is a significant event for the Turkmen people and all progressive humankind.

A holiday of health

Cycling improves the human health and extends life. The UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution ‘Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development’ at the 61st plenary meeting of its 76th Session at the initiative of Turkmenistan. World Health Day is celebrated annually on April 7. This holiday includes the measures aimed at protecting the national health and preventing diseases. Cycling marathons are among those measures. They increase significance of the holiday.

Antibiotics — by prescription only

Let us imagine a situation where you become sick. Today, thanks to the universal availability of the Internet, many, in an effort to get rid of the disease as soon as possible, are looking for the answer to the question on the World Wide Web: the symptoms of which disease have disrupted a healthy course of life? Having found similar signs, they make a diagnosis for themselves and there determine the course of their treatment and which medicine to take. And then everything is simple – each medicine has an instruction and a pharmacist in a pharmacy will help you choose the right one. And most often they prescribe antibiotic therapy for any reason, including a cold. Unfortunately, there is an erroneous opinion: if you want to get better faster, drink antibiotics. But they act on a specific microbe and not on any disease. 80 per cent of colds are caused by viruses and antibiotics are absolutely not needed here.