"Türkmenistan Sport" Halkara žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of Sports and Youth Policy of Turkmenistan
Adress: 54, B.Saparmyrat Turkmenbashi Avenue, Ashgabat Telephones: 22-81-38


Where are masks required to be worn?

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 On the territory of Turkmenistan, medical masks must be worn:

Don’t forget to take water with you

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 Turkmen weather is pleasing with warm sunny days, but temperature is rising with every passing day. According to the weather forecasts, temperatures are expected to rise in the coming days. If you care about your health, you probably know how important drinking regime is.

European immunization week 2022

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 European Immunization Week 2022 was held in Turkmenistan from 24 to 30 April 2022. This annual campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunization in preventing diseases and protecting people’s lives.

Action to mark world blood donor day

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 On June 14, countries around the world celebrated World Blood Donor Day, which served to draw public attention to this important act of solidarity.

Healthy eating

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 Healthy eating is particularly important for you to feel good on hot days, because our body is under stress during this period. A healthy diet will help not only cool the body in the heat, but also saturate it with water and useful microelements, which means avoiding dehydration and heat stroke and charging it with energy.

What to do In hot weather

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 2 (14), 2022 The Turkmen summer has begun reigning, and the thermometer creeps up every day. On these days, you should not forget about the precautions in hot weather. Wear lightweight and light-coloured clothes, be sure to wear hats and try to be in direct sunlight as little as possible. When you leave the house, take a bottle of water with you.

Healthy Eating – the First Step to Good Health

We all know that nutrition is one of the main factors influencing human health. Improper, unhealthy nutrition, both insufficient and excessive consumption of food, can provoke various diseases, primarily cardiovascular diseases, cancers and endocrine, blood circulatory and metabolic disorders. A healthy diet promotes growth, normal development and vital activity and contributes to improving health and preventing diseases. Currently, Turkmenistan is implementing the National Programme of Healthy Nutrition for 2020–2025 that was developed to introduce in practice the rules of nutrition, which will help all of us to be healthier and prevent various ailments.


Sunstroke is an overheating of the body as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun and direct effects of its rays. It can happen both while being in the sun and several hours later. Sunstroke (heat stroke) can happen more quickly if you are dehydrated, wear thick or heavy clothing in hot weather, are overweight, are not used to heat, such as travelling from a cooler climate to a warmer one, take certain medications – antiallergic drugs, diuretics, laxatives, or antidepressants, when you are in a poorly ventilated or unconditioned space or suffered a heat stroke in the past.

How to behave in hot weather

«7/24. tm», № 28 (111), 11.07. 2022 It is important to follow a few simple rules and recommendations from medical specialists to stay healthy during the hot months and not become a victim of sunstroke or heat stroke.

The Healing Power of Mud Treatment

Turkmenistan is the sunniest and most hospitable country in the world, where there is much sun and clean air, which have a positive effect on people’s health. The humane policy pursued by Arkadagly Serdar, which is connected with protection of nature, environment and ecology as a whole, also contributes to strengthening the health of the population. The Mollakara resort, which is located in the Balkan velayat, is called the place of healing. Not only people in white coats treat here, but also Mother Nature itself, its water, even sand and mud. You do not believe?! So come to the balneology health resort, which is located near the Jebel railway station of the Balkan velayat.

Rules of Behaviour in the Hot Weather

In the hot season, it is important to follow a few simple rules and recommendations of the medical specialists in order to maintain health and not to become a victim of sun or heat stroke. Unless necessary, try not to go outside during maximum solar activity. If, after all, going outside is inevitable, then put on spacious and light-coloured clothes, made of natural fabrics, and do not forget a light hat and be sure to have a bottle of still water with you. When outdoors, try to stay in the shade and periodically go into shops or air-conditioned premises.

Physical culture and sport are the source of a healthy life

Protection of the human health, which is considered the most valuable asset of our country, and education of the physically and mentally healthy and inspired younger generations are the priorities of the domestic policy in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. World Health Day has been widely celebrated as one of the most cherished holidays in the world for nearly 70 years. The World Health Organization was established on April 7, 1948, the World Health Day Resolution was adopted by the WHO on the same day in 1950.

Where are masks required to be worn?

«7/24.tm»,№ 26 (109), 27.06.2022 On the territory of Turkmenistan, medical masks must be worn:

Holidays at Sea for Health Improvement

Summer is the time for holidays and vacations, the time when many people have a rest on the sea in our wonderful Avaza national tourism zone. A trip to the sea is a joyful event, the entire family is looking forward to it. However, excessive exposure to the sun and increased activity in the water can adversely affect the body. According to medical experts, one of the common problems of a beach holiday is acute intestinal infections. Therefore, when swimming in the sea or the pool, try not to swallow water, if possible, spend the minimal time in the pool. And after bathing, be sure to take a shower using soap and a washcloth.

Dear citizens!

Taking into account the summer period, the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan in order to prevent solar stroke and seasonal acute respiratory viral diseases recommends to dress according to the characteristics of the summer period, to protect yourselves from exposure to direct sunlight, to strictly observe the currently valid rules of personal and public hygiene, to appropriately wear medical masks in approved places – transport and enclosed spaces, and to always keep hands clean.

International Day of Yoga has been celebrated

The celebrations of International Day of Yoga were held at the Bagtyyarlyk Sports Complex in the capital on June 21. The participants practiced yoga in the open air. The event was organized by the Embassy of India in our country. The Minister of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and the Ambassador of India to Turkmenistan made their speeches at the celebrations. Along with congratulations on International Day of Yoga, the benefits of yoga for the human body and spirit were discussed. Later on, the yoga practitioners performed exercises to achieve harmony with the world under the beautiful sounds early in the morning.

Action to mark World Blood Donor Day

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022  On June 14, countries around the world celebrated World Blood Donor Day, which served to draw public attention to this important act of solidarity.

Action to mark World Blood Donor Day

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022  On June 14, countries around the world celebrated World Blood Donor Day, which served to draw public attention to this important act of solidarity.

Healthy eating

«7/24.tm», №25 (108), 20.06.2022  The Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan recommends

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of vaccines against SARS-COV-2 after revaccination

Since December 2020, various vaccines have been used to combat the global COVID-19 pandemic, which is considered a turning point that changed the situation with the pandemic around the world. In the scientific literature, there are a lot of data on the effectiveness and duration of post-vaccination immunity [1-4]. The aim of the work is to analyze community immunity against SARS-COV-2 depending on the age and type of vaccines.