
Founder:Zaman-Turkmenistan Economic Society
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Arkadag city to host Central Asian Film Festival

«7/24 tm» № 39 (174) 25.09.2023 The Film Festival «Arkadagyň säheri» with the participation of Central Asian countries is scheduled to be held in the city of Arkadag on October 14-15. Preparations for this event were discussed at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan held on Saturday. The main goal of the film festival is to identify young talents, develop Turkmen cinema art, patriotic education of young people, as well as to familiarize the world community with the possibilities of the digital system and equipment with advanced technologies of the city of Arkadag, expand fruitful cooperation with foreign partners.

World Car-free Day

«7/24 tm» № 39 (174) 25.09.2023 World Car-Free Day, celebrated annually in many countries on September 22, aims to promote the idea of walking, cycling and using public transport.

The Future is Sustainable Cities

In the 21st century, the world is becoming increasingly urbanised. Since 2007, 3.5 billion people live in cities, and this figure is projected to reach 5 billion by 2030. This means that up to 60 per cent of the world’s population will live in cities. And by 2050, more than two-thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. Being centres of economic growth, providing about 60% of global GDP, cities already account for about 70% of global carbon emissions and more than 60% of resource use. That is why Sustainable Development Goal 11 – “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” – is so important and relevant. Achieving Goal 11 sets specific goals for Governments: to ensure universal access to safe and affordable housing, safe, affordable and environmentally sustainable transport and safe and inclusive green spaces and the creation of comfortable and attractive environments in cities for life and work.

Glorifying the Poet-Thinker of Global Scale

A poem by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Magymguly Pyragy’s Storehouse of Wisdom” and its bright artistic and literary presentation at the solemn conference held at Magtymguly National Music and Drama Theatre of Turkmenistan and other similar events gave another powerful impetus to the truly nationwide celebration of the 300th birth anniversary of the wonderful classical poet, thinker and master of words. In this regard, it would be appropriate to note that human memory judges any great poet primarily by the extent to which he was able to reflect in his work the cherished thoughts and aspirations of the people, their interests, strivings, dreams and the extent to which he was able to embody the main problems of the time in his works. It is in this context that we need to consider the new work of our Hero-Arkadag, which is a kind of ode dedicated to Magtymguly Pyragy, whose poetry for the Turkmen people is the highest revelation of eternal spiritual and moral values, firmly ingrained in their consciousness as a guideline.

Turkmenistan hosts Caspian Sea – the Sea of Peace and Friendship Conference

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 3 (19), 2023 A significant date – the Day of the Caspian Sea was solemnly celebrated on the picturesque seashore in the Avaza national tourism zone.

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

«7/24 tm» № 38 (173) 18.09.2023 In 1994, the UN General Assembly, by its Resolution, proclaimed September 16 to be the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. The date was set to commemorate the date when the Montreal Protocol (1987) on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed and has been celebrated since 1995.

Preparations for Expo 2023 Doha are underway

«7/24 tm» № 38 (173) 18.09.2023 The life of society is in any case directly connected with the environment and nature. Nature around us is our home. Therefore, one of the main responsibilities of all people living on Earth is to protect every part of it, understand its value and pass it on to future generations. Protecting and preserving the environment is a global issue. Currently, the world community is implementing many programmes in this area.

The largest libraries in the World

«7/24 tm» № 38 (173) 18.09.2023 Library of Congress. It is located in the capital of the United States, Washington DC. Its collections contain more than 173 million items, and it has more than 3,000 employees. Its collections are universal, not limited by subject, format or national boundary, and include research materials from all parts of the world in more than 470 languages. It serves as the library and research service of the U.S. Congress and the de facto national library of the United States. The library, founded in 1800, is the United States’s oldest federal cultural institution. The library occupies three buildings on Capitol Hill.

Un International holidays

«7/24 tm» № 38 (173) 18.09.2023 United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation

Arkadag City – the City of High-Tech Health Care

The 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan is approaching. Festive events are taking place throughout the country to mark this significant date, labour victories and the commissioning of new buildings are dedicated to it, winners of the state contests are announced, and exhibitions, conferences, concerts and theatrical performances are organised. The programme of the Independence Day celebrations includes dozens of events; the tradition of brightly celebrating the main holiday is acquiring new colours with every passing year. However, the most significant event of the year was the ceremony of the opening of the first smart city in our country and Central Asia that has the status of a city of national importance. Today, a couple of months after the festive events, which riveted the attention of the entire world and was attended by more than 200 delegations of foreign states and international organisations, Arkadag City lives an ordinary life adjusted for its technological effectiveness.

Happy Journey, "White Caravan"!

On September 9, cotton harvesting began in Turkmenistan. With the blessing of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the important agricultural campaign started in the Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary velayats. The Dashoguz region, taking into account its soil and climatic conditions, will join the harvesting on September 15. In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, the necessary conditions are created for the fruitful work of farmers and the gathering of rich harvests in our Motherland. Speaking about this at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on August 31, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the great importance of holding the cotton harvest season in an organised manner and within the fixed agrotechnical terms and wished all agricultural workers strong health and prosperity.

Review the Traffic Rules

The academic year has started recently. There is an important parental responsibility in the beginning of the school year, especially if the children go to school and back on their own. It is necessary to tell them how to behave in the city and to follow the traffic rules. The most common causes of childhood road traffic injuries are crossing the road in an unspecified place or in front of nearby traffic, playing on the roadway or at a very close distance from it. In the same list, there is the ignorance of the rules for crossing the intersection, inattention to traffic control signals, the wrong choice of the place to cross the road when disembarking from the transport, access to the roadway from behind parked cars, structures, green spaces and other obstacles. The cause of accidents can be riding bicycles, roller skates or scooters on the roadway and many other things prohibited by the traffic rules.

Eighth issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar Magazine released

«7/24 tm» № 37 (172) 11.09.2023 The new issue of the magazine opens with the winged words addressed to the youth. The poem by our hero Arkadag «Pähim-paýhas ummany Magtymguly Pyragy» was presented to the readers as well.

International Literacy Day

«7/24 tm» № 37 (172) 11.09.2023 International Literacy Day is one of the international days celebrated in the United Nations system.

International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

«7/24 tm» № 37 (172) 11.09.2023 One of the commemorative dates of the United Nations – the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies was designated September 7. In 2020, it was celebrated for the first time.

International Day of Charity

«7/24 tm» № 37 (172) 11.09.2023 The International Day of Charity, established by the Resolution of the UN General Assembly on March 7, 2013, is observed each year on September 5.

Progressive road to prosperity

As is known, large-scale work is underway to modernize and develop the national transport infrastructure thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The roads, which connect our beautiful capital with Velayat centres, cities and towns, have become the decoration of our epoch. Installation of the state-of-the-art road lighting systems, modern street direction indicators, and construction of exits are aimed at safety of all road users and prevention of traffic accidents. The concern for the health and life of a person, who is the highest value of the society and the state in our Motherland, is a priority of the state policy. The month ‘Road Safety – Peace of Our Life’, which is traditionally organized in September at the initiative of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, is aimed at protecting the human health and ensuring a happy life in the country.

Happy and Talented Children of Turkmenistan are the Pride of the Country

Final Round of the Competition of Young Talents “Garaşsyzlygyň Merjen Däneleri” Under the arches of the building in the form of a huge yurt – “Türkmeniň ak öýi”, located in the Nowruz Ýaýlasy Valley of the Ak Bugday etrap, a gala concert of the participants of the final round of the children’s music and song contest “Garaşsyzlygyň merjen däneleri”, devoted to the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, took place.

UNESCO Club to be set up at Aba Annaev International Horse Breeding Academy

«7/24 tm» № 36 (171) 04.09.2023 The creation of a UNESCO Club »Ahalteke Horses – Ambassadors of Peace» at Aba Annaev International Horse Breeding Academy was included in the agenda of the regular meeting of the Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO, which was chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov.

Road Safety Month starts in Turkmenistan

«7/24 tm» № 36 (171) 04.09.2023 On September 1, the monthly campaign entitled Road Safety – Safety of Our Life started in Turkmenistan. The annual action, held from 1 to 30 September, aims to reduce road traffic accidents and raise awareness of road safety measures among all road users. The slogan of the campaign – Road Safety – Safety of Our Lives meets the goals.