"Türkmen sporty" gazeti

Founder: Turkmen Sporty newspaper editorial office
Adress: 66, 1995, Ashgabat
Telephones: 22-33-91, 22-33-72


New enterprise of coffee products

In the suburbs of Anau, in Magtymguly farmers’ association of the Ak Bugday etrap of the Ahal velayat, with the participation of members of the Halk Maslahaty, deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, heads of the hyakimliks of the Ahal velayat and the Ak Bugday etrap, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, representatives of public organisations and labour collectives, a ceremonial commissioning of a new enterprise for the production of coffee and coffee products of the NesilCoffee brand of entrepreneur Tejenmyrat Bayramdurdiyev, built by the Mert Ýaran private enterprise, took place. This event is another vivid evidence of the successful implementation of the policy of progressive reforms and large-scale transformations, pursued by the President of the country, that contribute to the dynamic socioeconomic development of the regions and the creation of all the conditions for the growth of the welfare of the Turkmen people.

Priorities of National Economy

The development of the textile industry of the national economy is a key priority of the socioeconomic policy of our esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Thanks to the well-thought strategy of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Hero-Arkadag and Arkadagly Hero Serdar, Turkmenistan’s textile industry is capable of performing the entire cotton processing process and manufacturing finished products of the highest quality that are in great demand around the world. Today this industry is developing dynamically; it is a bright symbol of the economic potential of the country that has embarked on the rails of rapid industrial development and active integration into the system of relations with the world community. The textile industry is the crucial multi-branch and innovatively attractive sector of Turkmenistan’s economy.

Exhibition of Turkmenistan’s Trade Sector Held in Ashgabat

An exhibition of Turkmenistan’s trade sector was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, vividly showcasing the progress, inexhaustible potential and promising areas for development of the national economy in the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State. At the exhibition, over 210 companies and enterprises of the trade sector and the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, operating in various fields, demonstrated the high quality of goods and a wide range of services.

Improvement of Market Relations – Economic Model of the Development of Turkmenistan

A Large-Scale Forum of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Takes Place in Ashgabat A large-scale exhibition took place at the Expo Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, presenting the achievements and opportunities of the private sector of the national economy. As part of the exhibition, a conference was also held.

Entrepreneurship: Export Potential

Based on the results of a prestigious industry competition within the framework of the International Exhibition “Prodexpo-2024”, the products of a confectionery company Balam received the highest appraisal – a gold medal and five diplomas from the International Competition “Best Product 2024”. By promoting high-quality food products to world markets, the enterprise makes a worthy contribution to the implementation of government programmes to increase the volume of exports of goods produced in Turkmenistan and to substitute imported products. Our correspondent met with the Director of the confectionery enterprise Serdar Begjanov, who shared his general impressions of the exhibition and talked about the products presented by Balam. “Prodexpo is a large-scale exhibition of all segments of the food market in Russia, the CIS countries and Eastern Europe in terms of the area of its pavilions and professional interest. Prodexpo 2024 brought together more than 2,000 participants from 40 countries. A wide range of food and beverage products were presented at 28 thematic salons of the exhibition. In addition, prestigious professional competitions are held on the side-lines of the forum. Prodexpo is one of the ten largest food exhibition projects in the world and is the most authoritative annual event in the food industry.”


In Turkmenistan, special attention is paid to youth entrepreneurship. One of the state policy priorities is to support and encourage youth entrepreneurship. Today, the need to intensify youth initiatives in the state and public life is not only a way to create employment opportunities for the population, but also an important area of the social and economic development of the country.  In the modern epoch, the role of small and medium sized businesses in Turkmenistan’s economy is increasing from year to year. The programmes that set forth the main areas of support for small and medium sized businesses and young entrepreneurs are the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State: National Social and Economic Development Programme of Turkmenistan for 20222052, the Social and Economic Development Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for 20222028 and the State Programme to Support Small and Medium Sized Businesses for 20182024.

New city with digital platform

«7/24. tm», № 43 (126), 24.10. 2022 In the picturesque foothills of the Kopetdag, the future administrative center of the Akhal velayat has acquired visible outlines. Already approaching from afar, you are amazed at the scale of construction. All this became possible thanks to Arkadaglu Serdar and the Hero-Arkadag, on whose initiative the Akhal velayat will have a new modern administrative center.

Agroindustrial Complex: Modern Trends and Development Prospects

Issues of the food sector development and the satisfaction of the demand of the population for food in a wide range and of high quality are constantly in the focus of government attention. To effectively address them, the State Commission for Ensuring Food Security has also been established. The agricultural sector is one of the key segments of the economy of Turkmenistan. Favourable natural and climatic conditions that the country has and the well-thought-out strategy of the state in this direction contribute to the dynamic development of the agroindustrial sector. The country creates all the necessary conditions for the high-performance work of farmers and the growth of rich harvests of crops, thanks to which nutritious and environmentally friendly vegetables and fruit, which are very popular both in the domestic and world markets, are grown in our land.

Import substitution: new reality

In recent years, Turkmenistan’s private sector has significantly expanded its presence in the domestic market. Through large-scale efforts to replace imports and to create new industrial areas for Turkmen economy, the list of competitive domestically produced goods is increasing with every passing day. Turkmen entrepreneurs have made significant progress in the food industry. The products made by Turkmen manufacturers continuously replenish the list of domestic goods, contributing to import substitution and enhancing the export potential of our country. In this regard, the state policy priorities include food safety and quality, the adoption of modern automation technologies and the computerisation of the business environment. High-demand products

Entrepreneurship: In Priority Areas

In accordance with the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, a set of strategic development areas of small and medium-sized businesses is expanding, it includes various tools to support small and medium-sized businesses. An important component in achieving the goals is the State Programme to Support Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and the Action Plan for 2018–2024. This document was adopted in accordance with the Law of Turkmenistan “On State Support for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, which will ensure the successful implementation of the Socioeconomic Development Programme for 2019–2025.

An­ti­sep­tics from turk­men ma­nu­factu­rers

In mo­dern con­di­tions around the world, the is­sues of di­sin­fecti­on in pub­lic places are of par­ticular im­por­tance. In this re­gard, to­day hy­gie­ne pro­ducts are in great de­mand, which accor­ding­ly gives ri­se to supp­ly. The­re­fo­re, in recent years, the num­ber of en­terp­ri­ses specia­li­sing in the pro­ducti­on of de­ter­gents and di­sin­fectants has no­ticeab­ly increa­sed in Turk­me­nis­tan. In or­der to find out how the an­ti­bacte­rial supp­lies we use dai­ly are ma­de, cor­res­pon­dents of the NT news­pa­per went to the Täç Hil in­dividual en­terp­ri­se.

The Net­work of Hot­hou­ses Expands

The net­work of hot­hou­ses is gro­wing with new facili­ties: with the par­ticipa­tion of the he­ad of sta­te, six lar­ge comp­lexes, built by mem­bers of the Union of In­dust­ria­lists and Ent­rep­re­neurs of Turk­me­nis­tan (UIET), we­re com­mis­sio­ned in all velayats of the count­ry in 2021. Two such facili­ties we­re la­unched in the Ahal velayat, one in the Kaah­ka et­rap, with an area of eight hecta­res out of 27 lea­sed ones, the de­sign capacity of which is three thou­sand ton­nes of pro­ducts a year (Oguz­ýo­ly Private En­terp­ri­se) and anot­her in the Ak Bug­day et­rap of five hecta­res with an an­nual po­ten­tial of 500 ton­nes of harvest (Daş­de­mir Private En­terp­ri­se). In the Bal­kan velayat, at two hecta­res of a hot­hou­se, mo­dern high-tech equip­ment for plant care was put in­to ope­ra­tion by a private ent­rep­re­neur Sa­par­dur­dy Naz­liyev, who decided to grow fruit, plan­ning to yield up to 50 ton­nes of vita­min pro­ducts a year. In the Char­jev et­rap, Le­bap velayat, Al­tyn Bür­güt private en­terp­ri­se grows to­ma­toes in a hot­hou­se with an area of 8.5 hecta­res; at pre­sent, so­wing activities are car­ried out the­re for the new sea­son. One hund­red peop­le work the­re. In the Sa­karcha­ga et­rap, Ma­ry velayat, the Mäh­ri­ban Obam private en­terp­ri­se has develo­ped eight hecta­res for a hot­hou­se comp­lex for gro­wing to­ma­toes with the ai

UAE – the world’s first country to transit to 4.5-days a week

«7/24.tm», № 07 (90), 14.02.2022.   The UAE is transiting a new working week, which will now be 4.5 days. The reform is expected to boost competitiveness and improve a balance between work and leisure, helping to increase leisure time and labour productivity of UAE citizens. Weekend days will change from Friday and Saturday to Saturday and Sunday.

Düwmejik – a guarantee of quality services

«7/24.tm», № 06 (89), 07.02.2022. In the epoch of might and happiness, private companies have made a great progress through their hard work and consistent efforts. Thanks to the excellent starting conditions, the importance of the information and communications sectors for the publishing industry that provides high-quality services to printing houses has grown. State-of-the-art technological machines and equipment installed at enterprises and new technical processes learned by staffs allow training specialists for the printing industry.

Growing Demand for Online Services

One of the key vectors of Turkmenistan’s development strategy is the policy of digitisation, which opens up new opportunities. At present, the Conception of the Development of Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019–2025 is consistently implemented in the country. In this context, online commerce has been actively developing. Today, in all regions of the country, many supermarkets offer their customers an opportunity to buy the right goods without leaving the house. Almost all the major stores have started to sell online through pre-developed websites, where you can not only be acquainted with the product range, but also collect everything you need in a virtual cart. Orders made on internet sites are delivered directly to buyers and payments are accepted both in cash and in non-cash form.

Sweet products from altyn ýunus

Dozens of types of cookies, crackers, chocolate bars, chocolate eggs with a surprise inside and waffles with various fillings – all this is born at one of the enterprisies, a confectionery factory of the Altyn Ýunus private enterprise, located in the Ak Bugday etrap, Ahal velayat. This is where we came to learn about the production of our favourite sweets. The smell of chocolate, which came from a nearby factory, like a navigator, led to sweet things. A high level of cleanliness is maintained there. Putting on overalls, we went to the production workshop, equipped with modern and high-tech technologies, ensuring the automation of the production process. There are kneading tanks at the entrance, where the mass is kneaded at high temperatures.

Entrepreneurship: Aspects of Economic Development

Due to the progressive activities of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, independent Turkmenistan has become one of the most steadily developing economies of the Central Asian region in modern history. Entrepreneurship development is a priority area to intensify ongoing economic reforms in Turkmenistan. An Enabling Environment

Achievements of Turkmen Entrepreneurs

A conference marking the International Day of Neutrality was held with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan. The forum brought together the heads of foreign diplomatic missions of other countries accredited to Turkmenistan, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, domestic manufacturers and media representatives. The speeches on the fruitful activities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in various fields were made at the conference. The Chairman of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Dovran Hudayberdiyev welcomed the distinguished guests. He focused on the comprehensive development of entrepreneurship in the country and the growing potential of small and medium-sized businesses. The speaker emphasised the comprehensive support and unceasing concern of the leader of the nation, due to which the number of entrepreneurs was rapidly increasing.

Business News

The active participation of small and medium-sized businesses has a positive effect on the development of the Turkmen state. Thus, within the framework of the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the socioeconomic development of the country for 2019–2025, a system of direct support measures has been developed to ensure the free development of the private sector. As a result, this contributes to an increase in the number of new private enterprises, and the existing ones began to actively explore new market segments, including foreign ones. Drainage Water for Vegetables and Fruit

Entrepreneurship: for Quality Products

We live in a time when everyone in our independent neutral country is provided with the conditions for self-development and self-realisation. And having changed their lives abruptly, many have joined the private sector of the economy. During the years of independence, a number of industrial and agricultural facilities have been built by entrepreneurs in the Ahal velayat. Rapid transition to industrial development is one of the brightest examples of scientifically-based strategy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for building an economic potential in the Ahal velayat. An evidence of this is modern high-tech production complexes, factories, production enterprises and new processing industrial facilities intended for increasing the manufacture of high-quality competitive domestic products, which are built all over the Ahal velayat in the Era of Might and Happiness. In recent years, owing to the policy of Arkadag, carried out under the motto “The state is for the people!”, private entrepreneurs of the Ahal velayat have made great strides in animal husbandry. The number of livestock and poultry is increasing with every passing year, and this contributes to the increase in the production of goods of animal husbandry. Due to the activities of entrepreneurs, the production of meat, milk and other goods is growing, which provides and strengthens the abundance of food on the tables