"Türkmen sporty" gazeti

Founder: Turkmen Sporty newspaper editorial office
Adress: 66, 1995, Ashgabat
Telephones: 22-33-91, 22-33-72


New Year’s Presents: Wishing Happiness and Kindness

We are all so accustomed to the celebration of the New Year’s Day that we do not even think about where this tradition came from. But, this is one of the oldest holidays. It was celebrated even in Ancient Egypt, Persia, Babylon, only the beginning fell on different dates – from March to October. However, the world borrowed the custom of giving presents on the New Year’s Day from the ancient Romans, they became pioneers in this area even before our era.

Liquorice Breaks Popularity Records

“Scythian sweet root”, Turkmen “ginseng” – such definitions were given by people to the amazing plant of the Turkmen land – buyan or Glycyrrhiza glabra. For more than five millennia, the Turkmen people have used liquorice root as a medicine in the fight against various diseases. The first mentions of this miraculous plant were already found in ancient Chinese treatises, outstanding scientists of the past devoted their scientific works to liquorice and other medicinal plants growing in the territory of Turkmenistan, and Abu Ali ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna, emphasised that “a cure for diseases is in the native land.” Since gaining independence in our country, primary attention is paid to the study of the heritage of ancestors and the use of ancient knowledge and recipes in the modern era, scientifically proving their effectiveness in the treatment of many diseases. The encyclopaedic work of the distinguished President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan, translated into dozens of languages of the world, aroused great interest of the Turkmen people and the world scientific community.

Winter Dictates the Rules

Winter takes its turn – the air temperature is becoming lower, and precipitation in the form of snow, which forecasters promise us in the coming days, dictate a new seasonal fashion. As it is known, at this time, colds and other ailments associated with non-compliance with preventive measures become frequent. So, in order not to become infected with acute respiratory viral infections or not to catch a cold, the Information Centre of the Ministry of Health and the Medical Industry of Turkmenistan recommends to observe compulsory personal hygiene, to regularly thoroughly wash hands with soap, especially after coming from outside and public transport, to wear medical masks and to observe social two-metre distance. This is an example of a respectful attitude towards others and a careful attitude towards oneself.