"Türkmeniň ýüpek ýoly" gazeti

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Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 162
Telephones: 94-27-68


The Age of the Find is 80 Million Years

A rock sample with imprints of an unknown ancient organism was transferred to the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan. They look like nets of hexagons with a diameter of 8-12 mm, resemble a honeycomb and occupy an area of 130-150 cm2. The fossil was found by an environmental scientist Valery Ivanovich Kuznetsov in the Western Kopetdag Mountains, at the foot of the Syunt-Hasardag ridge, in the vicinity of the town of Magtymguly. Marine sedimentary deposits of the Upper Cretaceous period, which are 60–80 million years old, are common there. Such imprints have not previously been found on the territory of our country, so the specimen was of interest to the museum scientists.

Art created by the people

Each Turkmen woman, in addition to her daily house chores, knew how to make felt mats, weave carpets and do embroidery. The Turkmen art of embroidery includes the experience of many centuries. Created by the skilful hands of beautiful Turkmen women, it requires diligence, patience and knowledge.

Orphanage children in Ashgabat receive gifts from President of Turkmenistan and Chairman of Halk Maslahaty

«7/24. tm» № 02 (189) 08.01.2024 Orphanage children in Ashgabat receive gifts from President of Turkmenistan and Chairman of Halk Maslahaty

The City of Arkadag Lights up New Stars of Pop Music

A real gift for the participants and spectators of the competition for young pop singers was the holding of the final round of the Ýylyn Parlak Ýyldyzy (“Shining Star of the Year”) competition for the first time in the new city of Arkadag. There, on the site of the Trade Complex, under the bright rays of the spotlights, ten young talents performed, charming the jury and audience with their beautiful singing art. It is symbolic that a new young galaxy of stars of the musical horizon lit up in the city of Arkadag in the year “Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar”. The main prize and the Challenge Cup were awarded to Bahar Annayeva. “It is a great honour to become the winner of the youth pop competition ‘Shining Star of the Year’,” Bahar says. “What fills me with special pride is that the competition was held for the first time in the new city of Arkadag and in a year whose motto is ‘Happy Youth with Arkadag Serdar’. Such attention to youth, as in our country, on the part of our highly respected Hero-Arkadag and Hero Arkadagly Serdar inspires each of us and evokes in our hearts the most sincere words of gratitude and wishes of health, long life and new achievements for the benefit of our beloved Motherland and all the people.”

Anau Picks up the Baton of Cultural Capital of Turkic World

A solemn forum entitled “Ancient Anau – the Cultural Centre of the Turkic World” took place at the House of Culture in Anau. It was held to fulfil the instructions of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, given at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 15, to organise festive events marking the status of Anau as the 2024 Cultural Capital of the Turkish World. Those speaking at the forum reminded those present about the decision of the 39th Meeting of the Permanent Council of TURKSOY, which took place in Bursa (Türkiye) on November 5 last year, to select Anau as the 2024 Cultural Capital of the Turkic World. It is symbolic that at the same meeting, 2024 was declared the Year of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly. On December 10, the moving symbol of the Cultural Capital of the Turkic World, which was put on public display by the participants of the forum in Anau, was handed over to the representatives of Turkmenistan at a solemn ceremony in the city of Shusha, Republic of Azerbaijan.

Development of cultural elations

«Türkmenistan Sport», № 4 (20), 2023 Cultural diplomacy of Turkmenistan began developing in the second half of the first decade of the 21st century. Our country maintains friendly relations with the countries of the world and builds up cultural and humanitarian partnerships. Turkmenistan signs intergovernmental agreements on cultural cooperation with dozens of countries. Great efforts are made to implement these documents.

Celebrating the Holiday of Global Peace and Creation

Creative Dedication to the International Day of Neutrality and Permanent Neutrality of the Motherland A festive concert to mark the International Day of Neutrality and the 28th anniversary of the status of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan was held at the Muqam Palace of the State Cultural Centre.

Women’s Union of Turkmenistan – Winner of the Carec Special Programme Prize

In the period of the Revival of the New Era of the Powerful State, much attention is paid to the development of the women’s movement in our independent and neutral Motherland. Being one of the largest public organisations in the country, whose ranks unite thousands of the most active participants in the grandiose achievements of today, the Women’s Union is an authoritative force in the implementation of creative transformations initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and now successfully implemented by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The state provides women with all kinds of benefits, creates conditions for their decent life and creative work, ensuring gender equality at the legislative level. Currently, representatives of the fair half of Turkmen society work in government structures – legislative and executive bodies, participate in foreign-policy activities, are successfully engaged in entrepreneurship, and make a significant contribution to the implementation of grandiose programmes aimed at bringing their Motherland into the ranks of developed countries of the world. At the same time, it should be noted that the country is carrying out comprehensive work to respect their rights and interests, to support the family and to protect motherhood and childhood. The practical steps taken in this direction are highly appreci

The film «Daragt» is among the winners of the Minsk International Film Festival «Listapad»

«7/24. tm» № 49 (184) 04.12.2023 The results of the International Film Festival «Listapad» were announced in Minsk on November 24. The film «Daragt» by Turkmen film director Sahysalykh Bairamov was among the winners of 2023.

With Respect for Folk Traditions

Women’s needlework is a fine and unique art. And if it has stood the test of time, like Turkmen embroidery, then it is the cultural heritage of the people. The skill of hand embroidery is an important part of Turkmen decorative and applied arts, passed down from one generation to another and has survived to this day as an indisputable property of the nation. Embroidered canvases can be called an artistic narrative, telling about the glorious past of the people, the way of life of our ancestors, national traditions and achievements. Like other types of needlework (carpet weaving and felting), embroidery in various ways has been known to the Turkmen for hundreds of years. The variety of patterns and their harmony is a synthesis of long historical development and a result of centuries-old traditions. This is evidenced by archaeological findings and ancient specimens of embroidery kept in the storerooms of state museums and private collections. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the priceless heritage and to study it from a scientific point of view.

Turkmenistan Hosts Specialised Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Iran Prože Specialised Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran was organised in the capital of Turkmenistan jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. The exhibition of the achievements of Iranian commodity producers, designed to help the two neighbouring countries strengthen and expand trade and economic cooperation served as an effective platform to showcase their scientific and industrial potential and to search for new ways to boost fruitful partnerships in a wide range of areas.

Youth Promotes Values of Peace and Cooperation

The Youth Forum entitled “New Epoch of the Great Silk Road”, initiated by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, became a landmark event in interstate humanitarian cooperation. Representatives of youth organisations, parliaments, government agencies, businesses, science, education, culture and art from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and China and ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Programme for Central Asia and China conducted for three days a mutually interested and constructive dialogue on a wide range of issues of concern to young people. The event was completed successfully, its participants left for their countries, but the Forum became of timeless significance, serving as an organising element of the future world, beçause in 5, 10, 15 years, this future will be in the hands of these young people. The modern world is changing rapidly. All global problems of humanity invariably have a youth dimension. Therefore, it is young people who today seek more than ever before to comprehend their role in sustainable development and the development of a culture of peace and cooperation based on universal humanistic values. In this regard, the role of international youth forums in building the future of the world is difficult to overestimate. Such events, held on an ongoing basis, help young people find like-minded people and togeth

State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan is 25 Years Old

In November 1998, the State Museum of the State Cultural Centre of Turkmenistan was festively opened. It was formed as a result of merging two previously operating museums – the Museum of National History and Ethnography of Turkmenistan and the Museum of Fine Arts of Turkmenistan. At the end of April 2011, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov issued a Resolution on the creation of its branches within the structure of the Main National Museum of Turkmenistan – the Galkynyş Museum, the Bitaraplyk Museum and the Garaşsyzlyk Museum and on placing them respectively in Monuments to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, to the Neutrality of Turkmenistan and to the Independence of Turkmenistan. Currently, the State Museum includes the Museum of the President of Turkmenistan, the Museum of the History of Turkmenistan, the Museum of Ethnography and Local History and the above branches.

Traditional Costume – Heritage of the Turkmen People

The national costume of the Turkmen people, going along a long path of development, is linked closely to the history, traditions and aesthetic views of the era. The design of a modern costume cannot evolve in isolation from national traditions. The national costume is not only a bright element of age-old culture, but also the integrity of traditional cut, ornament and decor. Today is the heyday of the Turkmen national culture, a time when special attention is paid to national decorative art. An important element in clothing design is the properties of fabrics, embroidery, finishing and their decorative capabilities. All the typical features of ancient Turkmen clothing are transferred to modern design: the traditional dress and robe are adopted as the basis.

The Diligence of Farmers Increases the Generosity of the Native Land

Harvest Day Is Solemnly Celebrated in Turkmenistan Harvest Day is widely celebrated in the country on November 12, symbolising the remarkable talent and diligence of Turkmen farmers and the enduring generosity of the native land.

Dialogue of National Cultures – the Path of Rapprochement and Mutual Understanding Among the Peoples of the World

International Festival of Theatrical Art Takes Place in Turkmenistan The IV International Festival entitled “Theatrical Art of the Happy Era” took place in the Turkmen capital.

Art festival

Today, the 4th international festival «Theatrical Art of the Age of Happiness» began its work in the main drama theater named after Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi in the beautiful capital, with the performance of theater groups representing different countries. Turkmenistan is represented at the festival by the Great Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Main Drama Theatre, Alp Arslan National Drama Theatre, Turkmen State Puppet Theatre,  Magtymguly National Music-Drama Theatre, Mollanepes Student Theatre and Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theatre of Arkadag City.

Diwali is the Festival of Lights

Yesterday, at the «Yyldyz» hotel in Ashgabat, a fire festival called «Diwali» was held under the auspices of the Embassy of the Republic of India in Turkmenistan.

Dawn of Arkadag International Film Festival closes

«7/24.tm»№ 43 (178) 23.10.2023 The closing ceremony of the Dawn of Arkadag International Film Festival that had brought together cinematographers from the Central Asian countries took place at Aman Gulmammedov State Drama Theatre in Arkadag City.

V Vienna Ball was held in the Arkadag city

The eagerly awaited V Vienna Ball was held in the city of Arkadag of our beloved country.  The Vienna ball dance, which is popular among European and Asian countries, was held for the first time in our country on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of our Independence.