"Türkmeniň ýüpek ýoly" gazeti

Founder:Agency "Türkmendemirýollary"
Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 162
Telephones: 94-27-68


Digital platforms of the country: potential and Development Prospects

The development of digital platforms for managing the economy is a strategically important task for Turkmenistan, the solution of which can strengthen the economic power of the state. Thus, the basis for the introduction of future innovations is being built, ensuring the comprehensive development of our country and in this perspective, increasing the high standard of living of the people. After all, the welfare of a country is determined by the quality of life of an ordinary person. State priorities

Electronic Newspapers – New Opportunities for the Mass Media

The process of digitalisation has covered all areas, including the mass media. The development of the Internet has led to the fact that most periodicals have switched to electronic format. Obviously, this opened up new opportunities for the mass media. Within the framework of the implementation of the Conception of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan in 2019–2025 and the State Programme of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025, systematic work is being carried out in our country to form a single information space. Priority measures have been developed to transfer print media to electronic format.

Archery Federation of Turkmenistan gets its website

«7/24.tm», № 18 (101), 02.05.2022. The Archery Federation of Turkmenistan has got its website. It offers content in three languages – Turkmen, Russian and English at the Internet address: archery-tkm.art.

Digital education reforms

In the Epoch of Might and Happiness as a result of the works carried out by our Scientist Arkadag the care of the young generation has become one of the primary trends of the state policy. In accordance with the demands of present times, fruitful works are carried out in our country for bringing up the young generation as the educated people, of high culture, for their getting profession, being healthy, for taking part of them in creative scientific work, for upbringing them as the devoted people to our Motherland, to our people, to the traditions of our great ancestors. In accordance with the tasks defined in the state and national programs adopted in our Motherland works on supplying them with text-books and training appliances, the new technologies and educational technical equipments meeting the world demands are carried out constantly too. And also the last achievements of science and innovational educational methods are introduced into the educational system.

News with Chrome

«7/24.tm», № 10 (93), 07.03.2022. Chrome has new Journeys feature

Interesting facts about agriculture and livestock in the world

«7/24.tm», № 07 (90), 14.02.2022. Have you ever wondered why it is so important to talk about agriculture today and what it gives? This list of the interesting facts about agriculture will help you clear up this issue. Even if we do not work on land and are not engaged in agriculture, it affects our daily life.  Here are some interesting facts about agriculture

Google Chrome changes logo for the first time in 8 years

«7/24.tm», № 07 (90), 14.02.2022. Google has decided to redesign the Chrome’s brand icons. Google Chrome designer Alvin Hu published the new Google Chrome logo on his Twitter account. The new logo has not undergone major design changes, just to meet modern requirements.

Strengthening international co-operation for promoting Sustainable development and «green» growth

Over the years of its independence, Turkmenistan has achieved great progress in different spheres and has become a prosperous developing country. As a result, nowadays, under the leadership of our Esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Independent and Permanently Neutral Turkmenistan plays an active role in developing peaceful, friendly, and mutually beneficial relations with the world community and countries of the region. Thus, our country, by the initiatives of our Esteemed President, successfully co-operates globally and on the regional level in such spheres as promoting sustainable development, timely and properly addressing challenges related to water supply, climate change, ecological, energy safety, rational use of natural resources and other issues. Underlining the importance of forming the transport and transit corridors at the international and regional levels and issues of ecological and environmental sustainability our Hero Arkadag puts forward a number of essential initiatives dedicated to the creation of the most favorable conditions for people’s lives.

Innovative technologies: Global Trend

Our distinguished President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov identified digitalisation as a priority in solving systemic issues of the economy of Turkmenistan. Among the priority urgent tasks, the head of state identified the implementation of the Conception of the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2019–2025 and the State Programme of the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025. The goal of these programmes is to increase the efficiency of all sectors of the economy and the social sphere through the use of information technologies, the leader of the nation notes. Of course, today digitalisation is a key to solving the priority tasks of sustainable development. The digital market is one of the world’s fastest growing and most popular employment sectors, especially among young people. In accordance with the Conception and the State Programme, work is being carried out in Turkmenistan to create an infrastructure and conditions for a phased transition to the digital economy. The Government has already introduced the digital system and established video conference calls, making it possible to hold online meetings.

The ways of happiness of our Arkadag are radiant

Turkmenabat Autobahn. This Autobahn was given the Certificate for using innovational high technologies in construction of the high speed autobahn by the Department of Transport Communications and Structures of the city of Dornbirn of Austria. In our country rushing forward at the speed of a racer to new heights of achievements the engineering structures aimed at creating the «golden ring» of the transport–communication system, including the automobile highways and railroads, bridges, airports, connecting the states and peoples of the world are being regularly built and given for exploitation. On the 29th of October our Esteemed President took part in the opening and giving for exploitation ceremony of the Ashgabat-Tejen part of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat Autobahn. As our National Leader notes the realization of this great project is an evident example of comprehensive development of our country.

The «sea gate» of logistic directions of Euro-Asia

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan:— In the third millennium constructing new automobile highways, railways, seaports and bridges our Motherland restores the Great Silk Road. Owing to the great efforts of our esteemed, President Turkmenistan strengthens more the place of Neutral Turkmenistan as the important regional and continental transport transit and logistic centre.

Modern technologies: a way to success

The formation of a single information space in our country is one of the main tasks of the day in the field of digitalisation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasises. In this regard, in Turkmenistan, within the framework of the Conception of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2019–2025 and the State Programme of Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025, active work is underway to introduce modern communication technologies in all spheres of economy, education, medicine, the media and others. State services

Artificial intelligence for the benefit of society

Smart algorithms that make up artificial intelligence already determine contours of the future. Thus, many metropolises around the world are investing in becoming “smart” cities, using artificial intelligence for public benefit. This depends directly on the successful implementation and widespread use of digitalisation possibilities. In Turkmenistan, this process is carried out in accordance with the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan of the socioeconomic development of the country for 2019–2025, the Conception of the development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2019–2025 and the State Programme of the development of digital economy in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025. The implementation of major infrastructure projects, including creating “smart” cities, is of particular importance. These are the Ashgabat City and the new administrative centre of Ahal velayat. The construction of new modern cities signifies another important step along the way of successful realisation of the socioeconomic policy of the President of Turkmenistan, one of the key vectors of which is the creation of all conditions for a comfortable life.

Digitalisation and its place in the modern world

In a new era in our country, there is a widespread introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of life: industry, economy, education, culture, services and much more. This phenomenon is caused by the rapid development of information technologies, microelectronics and communications in most countries of the world. Digitalisation is a global process that more and more subjugates the planet and even space beyond its borders with every passing day. Due to its spread, the methods of business management are also changing, and this is based on the Internet. Data transfer to the global web is carried out through input devices and various gadgets. For the development of information technology, the term “informatisation” is often used. It is necessary to clearly define the differences between digitalisation and informatisation. The main distinguishing features of digitalisation are the ability to analyse and predict, independently choosing the best solution and also to perform the tasks that the user can set before it. In other words, a digital system is a more advanced object than a machine, but less than artificial intelligence. For example, an enterprise may be equipped with computers with Internet access. Such an enterprise can be called information-based, but not digital. This enterprise can only become digital when technology is used in a systematic and holistic manner

Everything for a comfortable life and creative work

an important landmark of the large-scale urban development conception of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is the active use of innovative technologies and the best world experience. These issues are constantly in the centre of attention of the leader of the nation. Following the path of progressive transformations, our country aims to implement the conception of smart cities. This is a powerful global trend in recent years. Modern information technologies make it possible to provide high-quality living standards for people and to create conditions for creative work, comfortable life and rest. The smart city project is being implemented with the construction of Ashgabat City and the new administrative centre of the Ahal velayat. Smart City: An Innovative Management Conception

The President of Turkmenistan inspects the activity of the Center of Digital Systems

On February 23, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the Center of Digital Systems and inspected the work for solution of priority objectives in digitization sphere. Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov has reported on work carried out by the Center, targeted measures for comprehensive solution of the objectives, which are aimed to provide informational security of digital systems that are currently widely implemented all around the country.

The President of Turkmenistan inspects the activity of the Center of unmanned aerial vehicles

On February 15, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited the Center of unmanned aerial vehicles, which under authority of the Ministry of Interior. Due to supportive activity of the head of the state last years, special attention is paid to the development of national electronic industry based on advanced world achievements and innovative technologies in this field. Organization of activity of the Drone Center has become an important step on this way. Upon arrival, the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has received a report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov.