"Türkmeniň ýüpek ýoly" gazeti

Founder:Agency "Türkmendemirýollary"
Adress: Ashgabat, Archabil av. 162
Telephones: 94-27-68


Peculiarities of changes in the parameters of eyeball and optic nerve in children with myopia

Progression of myopia leads to changes affecting all structures of the fundus, including the optic nerve [1, 2]. The aim of the work is to determine morphostructural changes in the optic nerve head and dependence of these changes on the refractive index and the axial size of the eyeball in children with myopia.

Regional peculiarities of tear excretory function of eyes of the residents of Turkmenistan

It has been proven that the population of Turkmenistan has unique features in the structure of the visual organ and adaptation to environmental conditions. These include narrowing and closure of the angles of anterior chamber, a clear manifestation of pigmentation of the angle zones, thickening of basal part of iris, and the presence of many folds along periphery of iris. There is a high probability of differences in the indicators of the lacrimal function of the population for different regions of the country, characterized by different climatic features.

Evaluation of the long-term results of surgical treatment of heart defects

Heart defects occupy a significant place among cardiovascular diseases, due to which there is an increase in disability and mortality. Complications caused by heart defects: heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias – lead to a serious condition of patients. Therefore, timely detection and treatment of these defects is important. The aim of the work is to evaluate the long-term results of surgical treatment of combined and concomitant heart defects.

Methods of diagnostics and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux

In recent years, according to data obtained from literary sources, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has attracted increasing attention of gastroenterologists in the world due to the highest prevalence among adult population. The term GERD is understood as spontaneous release and ejection of fluid from stomach and duodenum into a lumen of esophagus, which leads to damage to distal part of esophagus.

Influence of thyroid pathology on the course of pregnancy and childbirth

Diseases of thyroid gland (TG) among endocrinopathies occupy a dominant place in terms of prevalence [4, 15]. Moreover, the incidence is increasing in various countries of the world [13, 17]. The leading place among them is occupied by autoimmune diseases, nodular forms, malignant tumors, iodine deficiency diseases [1, 7, 10, 16]. Pregnancy is accompanied by the impact of a complex of factors specific for this condition, which together lead to significant stimulation of thyroid gland of a pregnant woman [10, 14]. Such specific factors are hyperproduction of human chorionic gonadotropin (CG), estrogen and thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG), an increase in renal clearance of iodine and a change in the metabolism of maternal thyroid hormones due to the active functioning of the fetoplacental complex. First factor that acts mainly in the first trimester of pregnancy and leads to transient stimulation of thyroid gland is chorionic gonadotropin (CG), which is similar in structure to thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH): the hormones have the same α-subunit in structure and specific b-subunits. An increase in CG by 10,000 IU/L leads to an increase in free T₄ by 0,6 mmol/l and a suppression of basal TSH by 0,1 mU/l [15].

Hello, Summer!

The calendar summer has begun, although the weather “reminds” of it every day. To protect yourself from the dangers of heat and to stay healthy, you must strictly follow the recommendations of doctors. First of all, try not to go outside during the period of greatest solar activity from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. without special need. If you have to go outside, put on spacious and light-coloured clothes made of natural fabrics, do not forget a light hat and be sure to have a bottle of water. When outdoors, try to stay in the shade and go into shops or air-conditioned buildings from time to time.

The distances covered on bicycles

To date, cycling is a popular sport in our country and all over the world. At the initiative of the Turkmen leader, the UN General Assembly has declared June 3 as the World Bicycle Day. The Cycling Federation of Turkmenistan, created thanks to the concern of our Hero-Arkadag, is working effectively in this area. The athletes of different ages do cycling in the sports schools across the country. Tournaments and Velayat events are held on a regular basis.

The health of the people is the wealth of the country

The President of Turkmenistan Attends the Opening of New Hospitals in Dashoguz As part of his festive trip to the Dashoguz velayat, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening ceremony of two significant medical facilities – a multidisciplinary and an oncology hospital built in the administrative centre of the northern region of the country.

Clean hands is a key to health

Much is said these days about the importance of personal hygiene. If adults, due to their age, understand why and how to do this, children should be encouraged. Of course, it is important to explain why we should wash our faces and brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening, wash our hands after returning from outside, before eating and on other occasions. And it is necessary to start instilling useful skills in them from an early age. This should also be remembered in connection with World Hand Hygiene Day, established by the UN General Assembly jointly with the UNICEF Children’s Fund and the World Health Organisation in 2008. This day is part of the World Health Organisation’s SAVE LIVES: Clean Your Hands campaign launched in 2009 by the World Health Organisation.

Recipe for good spring mood

Changeable spring weather sometimes echoes our mood. At times we are cheerful and energetic and occasionally suddenly fatigue can set in. Here are some tips. First of all, the regime

Advice to promote your health

«7-24.tm», № 20 (103), 16.05.2022   If your immune system is weak, then you have only one way out – to take care of it and help it effectively respond to all external threats. Here are some recommendations on how to boost your immune system.

Strengthen Immunity according to the Recipe of Spring

Everything that strengthens the immune system helps prevent diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, among which are the daily regime, hardening, sufficient physical activity, rational nutrition and hygiene. Start your day with a cup of black or green tea. Tea can have a miraculous effect on our body, including immunity. Ginger tea also activates metabolism. Grate the ginger root, put in a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew, then add honey and lemon. Ginger tea also normalises body temperature and alleviates coughing.

European Immunization Week 2022

«7/24.tm», № 18 (101), 02.05.2022. European Immunization Week 2022 was held in Turkmenistan from 24 to 30 April 2022. This annual campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunization in preventing diseases and protecting people’s lives.

Inspiring news

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) awarded the Certificate of Gratitude to Ashgabat in recognition for the pledge to the Trees in Cities Challenge. This good news has greatly inspired our compatriots. As is known, the tree planting campaigns have special importance in human life. In this context, the selection of sustainable species of trees for this region of the country ensures that the work is effective. At the same time, the planting of orchards enhances the beauty of our country and ensures the abundance of fruits. It is necessary to plant fruit trees and grapes along with coniferous trees during the mass tree planting season. Thus, forest zones are being formed around the cities and villages in our country. At the same time, the active use of scientific achievements and water-saving technologies is very beneficial in terms of both economy and ecology.

Vaccines Offer Opportunities for a Health and Long Life

These days, the European Immunisation Week is being held under the slogan “Prevent. Protect. Immunise.” This initiative is supported by all 53 Member States of the WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe), including Turkmenistan. On this occasion, the WHO Resident Representative in Turkmenistan Dr. Egor ZAITSEV answered questions from an NT correspondent.

In spring without colds and ARVI

In the spring, our body, weakened during the long winter, is not always able to resist acute respiratory viral infections. That is why at this time of the year it is very important to pay attention to their prevention. The most effective way to prevent ARVI, recommended by the World Health Organisation, is vaccination.

The youth on the way to perfection

Impressive work is underway in the field of education and youth policy, as well as in other spheres in our independent, permanently neutral Motherland. To date, young patriotic, honest, well-educated and skilful professionals are the guarantors of a happy future for our country. Thus, the laws, decrees, and special programmes, including in the Foreign Languages Teaching Concept, related to science and education, have been adopted in Turkmenistan. The foreign languages become more important in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, when the economic potential of our country grows and international cooperation expands. This fact demonstrates that languages represent an important part of understanding, move beyond the role of communication and make rapid progress. Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute conducts effective work to prepare physically and mentally healthy, skilful young professionals.

The source of wellness

The countries that pay great attention to the young generations are considered the most powerful nations in the world. Turkmenistan has great confidence in the youth and creates excellent conditions to educate well-developed, patriotic and skilful young professionals. Health provides joy and inspiration to a person. People need basic physical activity to be healthy. It means that sport is the best way to wellness and the source of inspiration and beauty. Our country pays great attention to sport as a priority of the state policy. The development and promotion of the mass physical culture and health movement is the key to achieving physical and mental well-being of the younger generations.

Bicycle means ecology and wellness

Great achievements have been made in health and ecology, as well as in other spheres in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. These achievements are recognized by the world community and international organizations. The concern for health and a healthy lifestyle is reflected in the state programmes, the Laws of Turkmenistan, the large-scale construction of medical institutions, sports facilities, the expansion of the sanatorium and recreation system, and in the social, economic and spiritual development of the people.

Success of international initiatives

The Resolution ‘Integration of mainstream bicycling into public transportation systems for sustainable development’ was adopted at the 61st plenary meeting of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly at the initiative of Turkmenistan. With the adoption of the document, the UN declares that the global community recognizes and fully supports international measures such as promoting the importance of bicycles in society and organizing cycling rides as important means of physical and mental health. This fact demonstrates that Turkmenistan successfully pursues the state policy aimed at strengthening peace, friendship and fruitful cooperation in the region and in the world.